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    I get the hate; the book wasn't that well-written. I still thought it would make a fun summer movie. That's about all I expect. I'm mostly interested in what Spielberg decided to do with the source material.

    Business-wise, this all seems like appropriate business.

    Was also going to bring up teh tarik, but you beat me to it. :D Posting from Singapore.

    In Manila's Chinatown, I ordered "Hong Kong Coke" out of curiosity and got exactly this.

    Can someone explain this joke to me? I'm afraid it went over my head. I knew as he said it that it was a joke, but I didn't get it.

    Robby needs a new doctor. He said he'd torn every ligament in his right leg, and that's why he couldn't do leg work. I tore a single ligament in my knee this year and was on crutches for two months, at which point the leg did resemble the lower half of a genie. Once I was walking again, leg work was a MUST to rebuild

    I also stopped watching a few seasons ago, and I picked it up again just so I would know where the characters were when I saw them in Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I have to say, I do like where the New Girl characters are now and will keep watching after this.

    This is a great theory.

    I might have had a similar experience. I felt someone pressing down on me and heard lots of voices. Some were in conversation and laughing, like they were at a party, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. Some were just screaming. I was terrified but couldn't move. The next morning, I asked my parents if

    Dang! Maybe Steven is finally going to fuse with one of the other gems!

    She was stalking him on Facebook. And Instagram. And Vine.

    I keep getting caught off-guard when Rose whistles, even in flashback. The first part of the tune is the same as the first notes of the Philippine national anthem.

    Anybody notice that Ilana was wearing the jacket from her white power suit? It still had the stain on the collar.

    What, no love for Sophia's robots analogy?

    I actually thought that they were setting up Danger to be the brains behind the mailbox-dropbox system. The way he grabbed Jake's leg was just really suspicious to me; he could have done it to give Delroy time to get away. He insisted on the stakeouts and refused to give them the list like a reasonable person, and