Lena Kaplansky

Classic bee-racism. Blaming the Africanized bees for being “aggressive” while the European bees are “civilized” and orderly in their attacks

They’re really pissed about Naled and Roundup. And rightly so. Anyone still campaigning for states rights should look into how spraying Naled for Zika against instructions has lead to the decimation of the bees in those areas. They’re supposed to spray at dusk - they didn’t. All those bees were out working and are now

Maybe it’s retaliation for what the fuckwads in South Carolina did to their brethren last week

30 years? If only Reagan was impeached.

Hillary Clinton is not entitled to my enthusiasm or my vote, and the way the media acts like she is? That’s really, really gross.

You have two individuals that for better or worse believe strongly in the US Constitution. They believe a leader, so entrenched in their own beliefs, have put themselves above the powers of the Executive branch of government. Tell me the truth: did you know who Sam Ervin was or are you simply too young and dumb?

Neither, unless you’ve internalized the polarization of one of the two parties. And don’t feed me the “Oh, you’re throwing your vote away!” Or “you can’t afford to vote third party with Drumpf!” Because the only time you will ever throw away a vote is when you walk into that booth and vote for a person whose views you

Shirley you can’t be serious? Just because she’s a far better option than Trump, doesn’t mean we need to pretend that her unforced errors and questionable character traits are somehow a good thing, please.

Funny he should bring up Watergate. A career politician who made enormous strides in global diplomacy, creating a period of lasting detente and peace. But a politician who was so paranoid after real and fake scandals, and so distrusting after losing to an up-and-coming young Senator that they engaged in things that

The more I hear about Clinton’s emails, the more I like her. We need a brilliant, calculating President in order to keep the economy humming along while simultaneously bringing about the slow, incremental change necessary to maintain a healthy and fluid democracy.

Great. Now my kid is having a seizure.

GOP is in bed with the ACLU, right?

This doesn’t sound that much different from how NBC, CNN, CBS, Politico, or ABC would write it up, to be honest.

I really wish I could make it to NYC for that. I would love to see Titus on the big screen. That’s a personal favorite of mine, and a brilliant adaptation of the play.

I love Rosencrantz and Guildernstern are Dead. What you’ve been, is not on boats. Kenneth Branagh was the best Hamlet.

One of the great honors of my life was when my elementary school held an invention fair and invited Donald Trump to help judge the competition. He didn’t show up like he promised, but he sent a representative with his submission, a pair of rollerblades with a wheel cover so you could walk on grass.

Did I say “feel sorry for the rapist”?

I can’t fault people for carrying guns in public when it is perfectly legal.

There is no way I would put a gun in that thing. Not only is it extremely unsafe, but a hidden safe in strategic locations would almost definitely work better.