Lena Kaplansky

I’m not resetting the bar. They’re not different. Just because Clinton and Obama speaks in civil tones and Trump doesn’t, doesn’t make their immigration policy any different.

Seems to me that Drake is getting more flak than Chris Brown ever did.

You claim asylum at the border, not SC.

Mexico and Costa Rica are safe countries. Look at a map once in a while.

A person who needs to make their partner look like a fool in public is a garbage person. it’s not putting them first, it’s humiliating for no reason.

Maybe Drake just needs to beat her up like Chris Brown did.

They’re in SC, which is not a border state. You can’t apply for asylum in whatever state you feel like; it has to be a border state.

I’m in favor of deporting however many millions of people are already in detention before doing anything else.

They’re already “rounded up”, per this article and many like it. There’s millions of people in detention centers already. The budget of deportation offices has already been topped up significantly under Obama, so the cost of deportation is a moot point.

So why don’t the homeless move in then? Could it be because they respect the laws, and property laws are enforced?

On a related not-sad note, Terry Tao is one of the most brilliant mathematicians working today, and was also a prodigy who finished his PhD at 21. He turned out fine, and is a lovely, well-adjusted person who even got married recently, I think. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terence_T…

No, I am cursing you out for your idiotic claim that defectors were never turned back.

It did not take 15 years. She applied, was rejected and reapplied for 15 years until she was accepted.

It did not take you 10 years to get a green card. You applied, were rejected and reapplied until you were successful.

You don’t need an immigration lawyer any more than you need a tax lawyer to complete your tax forms.

Oh fuck off, you did return defectors who didn’t prove to be useful to you.

Yeah, I agree with that.

The Balkan states and the Middle East residents beg to differ. Installing preferred leaders is no different than when you do it in Central America or anywhere else.

They did not migrate legally. Paying smugglers to sneak you across the border is illegal. Showing up at the border and demanding asylum is not the same thing as paying smugglers to sneak people across the border.
