
I’m totally chill as long as everything goes my way and nobody disagrees with me in any way. If you do disagree with me, then you are obviously trying to start WWIII and whatever comes after is your fault. Just give me everything I want and never, ever backtalk and we will get along great.

And I’m all for getting bills as low as possible, but I have kept the rental car coverage on my car insurance despite really cutting back on my expenses. When I was 23 I was in a car accident that put my car out of commision for 2 months. I had the cheapest car insurance possible and ended up with a painfully huge

I got started on this month’s challenge quite late. I wanted to cut down on how much streaming media I purchase. I’m generally pretty good about buying physical objects, my apartment is small and it is too easy to live in a storage closet. I have a shopping list of things I need to replace and I am careful to use the

I’ve been really focused on paying down debt. I only have 10 more months of student loan payments! They are big payments, but I have an emergency fund (finally!) and I’ve been tracking my budget much better over that last 6 months. I finally have enough of a cushion that I can set up my Deferred Compensation. It will

I missed checking in on this month’s goal! Sorry for the late reply.

It’s a good thing he’s pretty. Bless his heart, indeed.

How about paid Family Leave that can be taken by either parents? Why are mother’s the only parents that can change a diaper and hallucinate from lack of sleep? Father’s should absolutely have the chance to bond with their babies too.

I loved the outtakes from Spy. McCarthy must have realized how cute his shocked giggle is and went on the hunt.

It’s official. I will never be able to afford to have a child. :(

That’s what I was thinking. Her communication techniques are very similar to those used by Scientologists to deal with people that disagree with them.

Misdemeanor nostalgia.

In Germany, before WWII, the Nazi Party came into power by telling the German public that they could be great again (after a couple of ROUGH, post WWI decades). It wasn’t the good German public’s fault that their lives were so tough. It wasn’t the lingering effect of a brutal war that destroyed their economic base and

The newer crockpots run a lot hotter than older models. I think it is a food safety issue, but it also means the high settings are way too hot for braising. I ruined my fair share of pot roasts trying to figure that out.

Yes! Hilarious.

You should be ;)

I am always going to think of this when I see the Batman logo. Thanks a lot.

I HATE how you can only find the one popular style in denim departments. In my local store, the Women’s Department only has a few pairs of stretchy jean like culottes. It’s grim (but if they had some nice boot-cut jeans I would be all over it). So I have to shop in the “hip” denim section of the store. Where it is

Now playing

I think this could work for cew-smoke! And your suggestion made me thing of the old Eddie Izzard bit about Executive Transvestites.

I had some luck with the Naturalizer wide shaft boots if you are looking for knee high boots

All the people that are allergic/sensitive to soy, really like Japanese food, and don't mind eating bugs are probably interested. I don't know how many people that is...probably not a lot.