
When I was pregnant, I got both “You shouldn’t be eating that BLANK” condescension and “Oh pshaw, you’re ridiculous to be concerned about eating BLANK even though your doctor told you not to, what does he know.” You can’t win. It’s bullshit.

I’d like to pretend that this is the worst injustice I’ve heard about in regards to a teacher, but I have personally witnessed SO much worse.
Its too often a thankless profession, and it chews people up and spits them out. I only lasted 2.5 years before I finally cracked. Now I’m in adult education, working half as

“The cost of everything from gas to groceries to dry cleaning has skyrocketed in the Obama economy,” he told The Huffington Post.

The cost of everything from gas to groceries to dry cleaning has skyrocketed in the Obama economy

Also, like... prices have always gone up over time. Wages have not gone up . Is Paul Ryan going to raise the minimum wage? Regulate the gap between CEO and worker pay? Make corporations pay their fair share in taxes to help fund social programs? No. So STFU, Ryan.

He’s a horrible person, but he has a point about smokers’ areas. When I was looking at houses, there was one that had been deep cleaned and the smell still permeated the room and nicotine stained the ceiling fan.

OMG, my brother too! He would legitimately drive home (1 hour), and drop his laundry off for our Mum or Grandmum to do! Also during exams and high stress papers, my Mum would drive up and drop off a bunch of casseroles and frozen foods to make sure that he ate well.

Oh, HELL NO. If you had happened to murder him and then removed every trace by spotless cleaning the apartment, I would have totally contributed to your legal defense. As it is, my roommate (who was raised by a mother who thought that men have wives and mothers to clean house) is walking on very. thin. ice.

During a period of unemployment, Mr Lou mad dinner every night while I worked my full time lawyer. A lady at work told me “it’s nice that he helps you”. I felt sorry for her.

Starred because it’s a good comment, not because I understand it.

Your BIL can go fuck. Him. Self.

This is why parents have got to teach their sons to do their own damn housework.

I’m with you so much. Can we all just agree that this whole genre of “men suck at domestic things” is just fucking awful. Like, I am a man. I also like to make sure the kitchen is reasonably clean, and years of living without a dishwasher means I’m 100% okay with washing dishes on my own.

My aunt commented that it was so nice that my husband “helps” with the housework. I think that attitude is telling. Despite the fact that it’s just as much his house, mess, and laundry as mine and I have a job with long nasty hours, people like my aunt still see his contribution as “helping” to what is ultimately my

I’m a woman and I fucking detest cleaning. I was more than happy to go back to work after my maternity leave because it meant the return of the 50-50ish division of cleaning in our house. And TBH my husband is much better at cleaning than I am. Lazy as I am I would still totally straighten the house up before a maid

A lot of women on medicaid go there. The bulk of their govt funding comes from reimbursement for providing services to medicaid patients. Many doctors do not take medicaid. PP is one of the few that provides these type of services in many areas. Furthermore, just because it’s the law that everyone have health

They are only receiving funding through Medicaid reimbursements. It’s the same as any other doctors office, if a Medicaid patient receives care the gov’t reimburses the office via Medicaid payment.

I have at least three friends who will be destroyed financially if Obamacare were to be repealed. They are all Republicans and i think they don’t realize that they are benefiting from it because they pay for their insurance. D’oh. They will be dropped so fast your head would spin and I don’t know that they could

Everyone doesn’t actually get flex time and in my experience you can’t just hold on to it for a year. Flex time is not a solution.

My dislike for Paul Ryan runs deep and it’s “wide enough to drive a Mack truck through it”