I was there too, and shook his hand! As a gay person, I feel like I need a boiling shower now...I did ask him, during the reception, how he squared his protection of privacy and defendants overall, with INVADING privacy via sodomy laws (because obvs, regulating how someone can have sex and going into their home for…
I was there! Like any good liberal, I hate that guy, but he was pretty delightful. Very funny.
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) - which includes so-called “free radicals” - are actually one of the ways cells trigger/signal apoptosis in response to cellular stress (particularly radiation, like the kind found in radiation treatment for cancer) or critical DNA damage, aka mutations, aka things that may cause a cell…
Liam Neeson has fought the Sith, Wolves, most of France, Perseus, Batman and now anti-choice people.
Unless the pill doesn’t fully work and they are stuck with a rotting fetus in them. Then it gets horribly infected, but they can’t do anything about it because they aren’t able to tell anyone they got an abortion.
How about because women are dying in Ireland for lack of legal, safe abortions. How about because not every abortion is simple and taking drugs that induce an abortion is not a great idea without seeing a doctor before who can tell you if it’s safe? How about because buying pills on the internet is not always safe?…
What makes me crazy is that the critics don’t address the actual issue that not providing abortions is cruel and barbarous. They go straight for “look, they’re picking in Catholicism!” Address the actual content of the video! Sorry someone just who had an amazing skill for deflection just broke up with me, so I’m a…
so? so what if it’s anti-catholic? since when are they a protected class? fuck em.
begs people to treat others as they would wish to be treated
American Catholic here. Is it not a fair argument to say that the Catholic church IS a ghost that haunts modern Irish culture? Not to mention the fact that, even if the ad is a little anti-Catholic, is that so wrong, given some of the more archaic (edited to add: cruel, outmoded, wrong-headed, etc) policies that the…
Not only are these comments vile, they don’t even make fucking sense!
If you think those are compliments, please do us all a favour and remove yourself from civilization.
There are a lot of people out there that think any attention given to a woman, positive or negative, should flatter them. Obviously those people have never been stalked or harrassed.
I broke up with a friend who, as I was crying from being exhausted by the sexual harassment I was receiving in a muslim country on vacation, told me “you should be happy you’re getting attention, no one is even paying attention to me”. Fuck her and her fucking face.
My husband and I both work and that amount would definitely be crippling/impossible for us. We were able to swing 850 a month with the help of my parents for the first year of childcare, and we paid all of it after that. If we had more than 1 kid I don’t know what we’d do.
Paul Ryan’s entire life is an example of “for me, but not thee.”
Sure, but Paul Ryan is going home to teach his children good christian values, whereas when Pelosi goes home, it’s to teach her grandchildren how to gay-marry their dogs.
Something something it’s abortion’s fault, something something Benghazi, something something free stuff.