And seriously, if someone doesn’t understand what’s happening in their bodies during pregnancy and needs more information, they should get that information from a doctor or nurse, not an anti-choice ideologue.
And seriously, if someone doesn’t understand what’s happening in their bodies during pregnancy and needs more information, they should get that information from a doctor or nurse, not an anti-choice ideologue.
“We find that a large number of our clients don’t understand what’s happening to their bodies or their developing baby.”
“emotion and psychological impact”
And correct me if I’m wrong, but aren't early term abortions one of the least complicated and safest medical procedures? I think a good rule of thumb is to believe the exact opposite of everything these people say.
Both businesses argue in their lawsuit that the new law is unconstitutional. According to the Sacramento Bee, they argue that the law, “at minimum... unconstitutionally compels (the clinics) to speak messages that they have not chosen, with which they do not agree, and that distract, and detract from, the messages…
If states can pass laws forcing actually LICENSED MEDICAL doctors to tell their patients about non-abortive options and tell them all about the fetus and show them a goddamn picture even when they specifically don’t want to know/hear/see because “women deserve to be informed,” then there’s no reason that these…
Sometimes I don’t understand what’s happening to my body. Like when I eat leftovers that were in the fridge too long, or drink six cups of coffee. I dunno man.
“at minimum... unconstitutionally compels (the clinics) to speak messages that they have not chosen, with which they do not agree, and that distract, and detract from, the messages they have chosen to speak.”
I think this is the hilarious other side of the coin to, “if you are an abortion clinic, you must have admitting procedures at a nearby hospital.”
“If you’re a crisis center, you must acknowledge that you are in no way medical-center affiliated...” HOW DARE YOU.
We find that a large number of our clients don’t understand what’s happening to their bodies or their developing baby.
Are these CareNet people going to require that abortion providers detail all the risks of going THROUGH with a pregnancy? Things like, I don’t know, a higher risk of death? Post partum psychosis? Even the more “mundane” stuff like the pain of childbirth and varicose veins. Oh, and winding up with a kid you have to…
“On Saturday, two anti-abortion clinics sued the attorney general, arguing their free speech rights are being violated.”
Considering that one or two states have passed laws allowing licensed physicians to lie to their patients if they feel they might have an abortion based on test results... I think this plan of “free…
Ya know, I believe lying can have spiritual consequences....
I am really confused about how a law requiring someone to state whether they are medically licensed and where to find medically licensed care if an individual rightly chooses that they want some goddamn medical care, violates the first amendment. Wouldn’t it technically fall under the same rules regarding non doctors…
“Abortion is not just a simple procedure; it may have many side effects. Abortion has been associated with preterm birth, emotion and psychological impact, and spiritual consequences.”
“I have deeply held religious beliefs that I need to be able to lie to all the patients!”
(This is going somewhere I promise, though it is pretty stupid)
I think I’m supposed to try to do stuff like that because I used to be bulimic, but I had some difficulty with it. I have a really love/hate relationship with food.
Me three years ago, now, and forever. Except no cats. Fuck that whole sharing-your-space thing, this girl right here rolls SOLO.