Thank you every one for your help :) I never really post so i’m grateful to be heard .
Thank you every one for your help :) I never really post so i’m grateful to be heard .
Omg you are an angel for reminding me I bought two pints of gelato last night in my menses-induced grocery shopping haze. I already drank all the wine though :(
It is! I have and said professor was amazing, school is good (letting me back after flunking out due to this problem) Its just hard mostly the other students looking at me like I’m weak. I say fuck them fucckk them but still hurts.
I love this. Thank you, I’ve been thinking about it wrong hopping it will go away completely but no its something that may always be constant so I need to find ways to manage it. I’m glad you found help although your parents dont believe it. I hope you have someone who does.
I can’t stop baking.
If you haven’t seen the original 1st season of American Horror Story (known as “Murder House” season) I HIGHLY recommend it. So scary but also poignant. But you’ve probably seen it. Anyone who hasn’t PLEASE WATCH IT IT IS GREAT!
I have bipolar disorder and struggle with anxiety on occasion. When I was in college, during a midterm I opened the bluebook and my mind just completely blanked and I’m running from the room fighting back tears until I can hide in a bathroom and I never went back, just took the F.
I’m the original ghosting/Irish goodbye type. That’s probably the wrong way to do it sometimes, but it depends on WHY you’re ending the friendship.
I suffer from really bad anxiety, I’ve dealt with it for years but never had a name for it before I sought help. Anyways I had a mini panic attack in my Law school class the other day, crying in the back row etc. The professor asked me a question , I was caught off guard and said I didn’t know the answer, which caused…
I just checked my notifications and realized that! Sheeeiiiiit, my day just improved.
Lack of menses. :( I am peri-menopausal and I’m a week late, which means I have been PMSing for two weeks now. Week two PMS is like Hulk PMS.
I saw this on the news the other day. The judge took the contempt part to heart. She was dripping icy scorn. The quality of mercy was completely absent. And the woman’s pleas as she was escorted out were heart wrenching. I know it’s important to press charges. But there is no way that this woman wasn’t re-victimized.
I mean, they LOOK exactly like dog treats. They're not really even trying are they?
Here’s what the author said (via
The author did say she was Korean, but sadly he said that like 5 months ago, and filming for the movie had finished.
For what it’s worth, I just searched my digital copy for “Korean” and “Korea,” and there were no results.
I just read this book twice in a row and there is zero mention of Mindy Park being Korean-American. I’ll re-read it again to make sure, but I’m fairly certain there’s not a single indicator of whatever her ethnicity might be.
I thought Chiwetel Ejiofor was only cast when an Indian actor had to back out at the last minute?