
I'm in an open office and we have a chatty Cathy who likes to stop by everyone's desk and talk at them forever, meanwhile he complains a lot that he doesn't have enough time to do his work. I try the headphones thing and play white noise, but he goes out of his way to get my attention, waving his hands in front of my

I'm Native and both of my Dad's parents were murdered on the Pine Ridge reservation in SD. My grandfather was a tribal cop and he was run down by someone driving a semi in a parking lot when he was 35. My grandmother was murdered by her 2nd husband's brother, and my uncle, who was 5 at the time, found her. Some

I believe that in other similar cases, sometimes the police were called several times, didn't really investigate beyond asking a few basic questions, and the women were held for years and years. Police stopped by the house that Jaycee Dugard was held, didn't really poke around, and she was in captive for EIGHTEEN

That's actually really funny the more that I think about it.

This friend is the best friend

AMAZING: It's not something I cultivated or was even aware of until a friend, bless her, told me "any time someone tries to get near to you they have to go through a force field of 'Choke on My Magnificence.'" It was a revelation.

That is so scary

Not that I'm crying about it, but we read AMERICAN PSYCHO for a class in college, and the day after the reading was due THEN our grad student teacher told us that the book made her actually vomit.

Clorox wipes!

Don't you all know that fashion magazines are thinspo for fashion editors and ladies who lunch? And don't you know that a lot of the gay men who work in fashion love for the girls to look so skinny they look like twinks or "near death"? (I've actually heard someone say that. Multiple times. "Near death." Think