Kal L. al Ghul

Buffy's mom was a total MILF. She was hot.

God yes. I'd have loved more Tara in S6 - but I liked that she had to put her foot down and break up with Willow bec she was using too much magic. Great character trajectory for Tara, too. She became more assertive in it.

The 90's…good times, good times.

True that. I love Oz too though. Whedon is that rare creator who makes you like everyone. Even Spike. My favorite Oz ep was when Buffy realizes she could read minds. Oz's mind was the coolest.

It will always haunt me.


I watched this when I was younger and only got the dirty jokes as an adult…Dammit…

I saw Alan Rickman and Kevin Spacey once, coming out of the theater and I totally Raj'ed out and clammed up. I was such a big fan of both and I couldn't say anything. I didn't want to sound like a total dork so I kind of just stared at them and walked away.

God yes.

You used to date someone who looked like Amber Benson?!? That is AWESOME!

As someone in your age bracket, I agree, re: 22 year olds not being viable dating prospects. 25 and above is fine though.

James Marsters was the biggest surprise on the show. He and Head had such awesome voices.

She brought such an authenticity to the Tara character that was very refreshing, IMHO. I loved her character when I was a teen, and I loved her even more as an adult when I do re-watches of Buffy. A lot of people seem to hate season 6 of Buffy, but that's like the growing-up season for everyone, and she was the most


God, I had such a crush on Amber Benson in Buffy. My ex and I would argue about her while watching Buffy. Killed me that Tara was killed off.

Sigh..I never thought of myself as a shipper when I was younger, but I grew up with Buffy (Buffy was the one pop culture event in my life that was more important to me than anything at the time), came out with Willow and totally shipped Willow and Tara. Amber Benson will always be awesome to me. :)

Hell yeah.

My thoughts exactly

Oh, yeah, good point. Totally forgot Wally DID date a reporter, too.

Definitely. We need more geeky, smart, awesome, POC gay.