
Ironic Carroll has become the thing she despised, an abuser. Also I am not feeling the domestic violence theme they seem to be pushing. Women also commit domestic abuse, why not break the mold and have that in the Walking Dead.

on your first paragraph you are forgetting cops are human..i.e…they see Gus as an upstanding business leader in the community and he's a booster for them..it's like how Maria got a pass for the crimes she committed simply because Hank and the APD guy are buddies.

What annoyed me about Mike the Cleaner story is that says murder is justifiable in domestic violence when the perpetrator is a male..i bet he wouldn't have put the gun in the mouth of an abusive wife.
How about blaming the woman for staying with the pig who beat her or a justice system that doesn't lock him up for

I thought the line by the cop "Your tax dollars at work" was funny considering I consider the DEA and most cops a waste of tax dollars.

Hanks behavior is exactly why the founders worded the Constitution the way they did. Cops by definition are the enemies of liberty

"His fellow officers leave the door open to an easy way out, too, but he
refuses to take it, submitting a statement detailing exactly what

maybe it is, but the moral of the story of Breaking Bad is you can't control what individuals do with their lives.

Jane was wrong about " Kanga-Man"