Emperor’s New Groove doesn’t get nearly as much love as it deserves, it’s such an underrated Disney movie.
Emperor’s New Groove doesn’t get nearly as much love as it deserves, it’s such an underrated Disney movie.
The Rio pool crew is reading this and is like, “Hey, just be glad the water’s not fucking green.”
Hey, that’s not fair! If there’s one case where sitting around all day should be an advantage, it’s egg hatching!
Not something I’m putting into my google search history.
You know, there’s all kinds of situations where a child is taken away from their parents for reasons that are questionable or seemingly unnecessary.
This is not one of those times. Seriously, get that baby out of there. These people need help.
Yep. Don’t even get me started on the folks who take these things to work and sell the stuff for their kids. If the kid dosen’t ask me themselves I don’t buy on principle. If the kid does ask me, I’m an easy mark.
I was literally thinking the same exact thing and almost wrote that.