
Can we talk about people that sit right next to you in an otherwise empty bathroom to? Like in a five stall situation where you are in stall one and they pick stall two instead of four or five? What the fuck

Bullshit. Trump ran on a platform of repeal the ACA and these morons cheered it. Have sympathy for those who will be harmed as a result of that ignorance, not those who joyfully dug their own early graves.

Tbf Beiber version is shit. Fonsi and Daddy Yankee need no artificial enhancements

Vermin deserve to live in the dark, not have a “light shined” on there malfeasance

More like all the kids showed up for one march, maybe a rally, realized civic engagement and resistance is hard, stopped agitating, and forgot to vote in the 2018 election.

For Trump, all the brown people countries probably look the same

Does anyone else feel like the increased military spending at the expense of social programs and anti terrorism is Bannon setting up a scenario to “make America great” by starting a war with someone?

As someone with (estranged) family who have claimed to have been Klan affiliated at one point, this is the case. They are not racists, you see, because they like some black people. You know, the “good ones”.

Yep, and also a pathway for more people to become citizens and better support for countries like El Salvador that are in deep shit because through US helped destroy them. But using fake ssns is still wrong.

I had an undocumented worker using my ssn to work. It merged her name with my credit file and caused a lot of headaches. What Garcia did is wrong and she should have consequences. Those consequences should not involve being torn apart from her family however.

It’s important to note that the favored candidate for the French Republican party is under investigation and the current Socialist president has so damaged hiskin party that Le Pen had a real shot at winning. Imagine an axis of Le Pen, Mae, and Trump.

Seriously. I’ve been doing organizing for progressive causes in a deep red state for years. Complaining about people not showing up before is not how you get them to show up again.

There is one in Texas called In Sync exotics. They just rescued a ton of Panthers, some who were so abused they had to be put down :(

My provider charged $2000. 100% of the actual procedure (but not the follow up, ugh) were covered. ACA is the best!

Nah, I’m just pointing out hypocrisy in those who do.

Not to shame women who do porn, but it would be interesting to hear Republicans in favor of this measure defend their incoming first lady who has done tons of nudes.

I’m not saying Putin is evil enough to mass poison children (at least not non-Syrian ones), but there were some credible rumors that he had inappropriate relationships with kids while stationed in Dresden with the KGB

But but but, my Texas history book said black folks were all treated well and wereally happy living under the benevolent heel of the white man!

No bullet necklace for this interview? 1/10 Pierson, lack of murderous accessorization

Yeah, nah. I was almost in this woman’s exact position (put self through school, no help, high performance employee, ect.) and got denied a day off to attend my graduation. I was able to go two levels above my manager to get an override though, because the upper management noticed and appreciated my work. Otherwise, I