
I was pretty surprised by all the “omg!” and glad I didn’t have to be the one to bring it up. It’s really pretty rude. I would never say “omg she reduced to a B, that’s so tiny, she must look so weird” because it’s just mean. When women like us see breasts like our own being called ridiculous, or freakish, or “just

I’m 5'2 and a FF so.... thanks? For thinking I look like a freak, I guess?

How about staying on topic, Skippy? This just has you all aflutter, doesn’t it?

At my yearly physical, my amazing internist was telling me that she wished women could talk more openly about their miscarriages, that there is such sorrow and isolation that’s associated with them. That it’s something that happens, and quite often, but it’s still devastating. I’m so happy you now have a precious

Also, it’s becoming more and more clear as I get older, the more I know about people, the less I like about them, which, in itself, can be depressing. I can’t be alone in this.

I spent years trying to cure my social isolation and spent years failing miserably. I finally just gave up because my constant failure at making friends/finding a mate made me feel far worse than being alone does. Being alone and mostly content > going out multiple times a week with people who don’t really like me

Here’s the thing about my co-workers though: we’re thrown together by chance, not choice. So I’m not predisposed to giving a shit about them on a personal level. I do give a shit if they turn their TPS reports on time, respond to my emails in a timely fashion, don’t burn popcorn in the microwave, and avoid using empty

She has to be skinny, too, by any means, and put implants in various parts of her body (breasts, butt, cheeks, wherever), and chop off most of her nose, if that makes you feel better.

Yeah, this is an awful movie that not even the dude from “Withnail and I” could make watchable. I harshly judge people who like this movie, and judge society even more harshly for agreeing at some point in the last three years that “Spice World” has any redeeming qualities. It would have stayed in the bargain bin if

10/10 would watch this as a movie.

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 53, she was in remission for 15 years until she got diagnosed again this past February. I was 8 when she was first diagnosed, now I am 23, and I have to say that it is a lot fucking scarier when you’re a grownup and fully realize that your mom has a

:( Nothing to say other than I hope for a fast recovery for her. The world could use much more of her.

Wrong. Read the headline, placed Harrison Ford without reading a word. Sick of this talentless trash fire of a family and the incessant promotion of their “brand.”

Exactly. I have a better chance of knowing who “Dr. Berlin” is (a poorly-written comic book villan?) than either of these people.

That was my takeaway from the article too. Who checks to ensure that girls get their periods?? Where did she get the squirrel blood? I’m choking

“faking her way through her period by putting squirrel blood on a Kotex pad”

I felt really guilty about it but I couldn’t finish the first season. It was just so boring.

It’s amazing how much love people project onto an embryo inside a woman’s body (as long as she doesn’t want it there) and how much disdain they’ll give an actual grown human person.