
I know the first one was pretty bad, relatively speaking, but the last two were great. Prices on the headlining items were definitely in line with what we’d expect on Black Friday, even if the selection wasn’t quite as broad.

I know the first one was pretty bad, relatively speaking, but the last two were great. Prices on the headlining

I watched the Vietnam documentary with my Vietnam vet dad and when the topic of “Hanoi Jane” came up he quickly said “oh who cares.”

No. This is a dangerous statement.

In the afterglow of Thanksgiving, I’d like to take a moment to be thankful...Dear Lord, I’m thankful that social media did not exist when I was that age. I’m thankful that I never got herpes or a DUI or even a bad tattoo. I’m not sure how I managed that, but thank you forever and ever. Amen.

but we have to keep bringing it up just in case y’all forgot

Rape is presidential these days. Complaining about your rape has always been inconvenient — now it’s also an insult to the dignity of the presidency.