K. Aldrich

Wuwolf——my DH refers to him as Wuoof.

It could be a sort of homage to Game of Thrones…language in that style.

No problem on reading on a delayed basis. And thanks for the acknowledgement on the prediction. I actually enjoy shows where characters say logical things and make logical life choices.

"Rumors" and "widely known" are 2 different things. Hobart who heads up McCann is likely very well connected and it is even possible when McCann went about executing their "due diligence" in acquiring Sterling Cooper, they did background checks on the partners, even if "informal". Is it a wonder that the first 2

I used the term "villain" a bit loosely for Roger [perhaps devil's advocate would have been better] because a number here were critical of how he "failed" to back up Joan in her moment of need. Often in TV fiction, the villain is used to present hard truths to the "heroes or heroines" about their circumstances that

Don lives in Manhattan and probably doesn't drive the car a lot so it's likely still under the warranty due to lower mileage. He just went through a divorce so that cost him a bit and also now doesn't have a wife coaxing him to get a new one, not that Megan would have but Betty probably did. Also he probably garaged

Harry is going to be right at home in McCann.

It's hard to think of many characters in this show who have a slate of perfect decision making.

Good idea.

Yes, please sir, we want some more Bobby Morse!

Sometimes the villain [Roger] tells the truth of a situation that the heroine [Joan] needs to hear.

It is possible about Peggy, but Joan is in a different boat because she has the backstory of how she got her partnership and it is likely there were rumors about her within the advertising industry. Also had she gone the legal route with McCann, they for sure would have dug up dirt on her [if they didn't have it