Yea, Pokemon Go doesn't work in Brazil, and on top of that it uses barely any data. He was definitely streaming porn.
Yea, Pokemon Go doesn't work in Brazil, and on top of that it uses barely any data. He was definitely streaming porn.
Or people who actually like fucking democracy.
NI tensions are the scariest part of Brexit.
It’s be best if they do the referendum before oil prices go back up ;)
Except Scotland actually has legit representation in the UK. The U.K. Did not have legit representation in the EU.
No way Scotland leaves with Brent where is is.
He doesn't understand economics, and you are a genius. Except for the part where you think yen is Chinese. Right.
The U.K. Has a trade deficit with the EU. Tariffs what? Right.
Japan is so screwed on exports. Note that the people crying racist have like 0 clue on economics. It’s cute.
There is nothing racist about wanting democracy rather than subservience to unelected autocrats who steal your money.
The US operates nothing AT ALL like the EU. The EU is controlled by unelected autocrats.
Mass immigration only helps the rich who have more pseudo slaves to make their widgets for sub living wages.
A _lot_ of people (not me) are very offended by gay marriage. Fortunately, we allow freedom of speech, or gay marriage would never have become legal.
That’s how the SJW thought police want it. Assimilate or be called a shit lord.
Damaged? Please run to your safe space and try to grow a thicker skin.
Ethically? Ethically? Lol you SJWs are just silly
I actually do agree with you here. People should stop whining (or even worse legislating) about things that don’t matter. Trans people aren’t hurting anyone and deserve respect. But everyone who lives in the world is allowed to have an opinion on anything they want.
Because if you are a white cishet-scum male you aren’t oppressed enough to be allowed to have an opinion. That’s how it works.
Calling him fat in a negative light is not proper body positivity. Think of all those whales out their who have less “social power” than you because they just can’t put down the Cheetos for one fucking second?
Yes, because like all the other regressives, anyone who disagrees with you is -ist or -phobic. What do you guys (oh sorry, misogynistic Microaggression) do when you disagree with each other on what 100% organic soy frappucino to get? Who gets the safe space, whoever is more triggered?