ooooooh, edgy! taking time to comment on an article about people you supposedly don’t care about and degrading women!
ooooooh, edgy! taking time to comment on an article about people you supposedly don’t care about and degrading women!
White woman married to black man and has black kids, defends a bigot then apologizes and feigns ignorance when called out. I’m oddly not surprised by this at all.
And of course the children found it very upsetting.
Mistrust of the US, if not outright anti-Americanism. Yielding a prisoner to the US is not merely a legal act. It’s a political act that has consequences for the domestic audience of European leaders.
And actors. And producers, directors, screenwriters, etc. Anyone with any actual power in the movie-making industry.
Fuck this woman. You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
So, Amber was Heard.
Nazis and supporters of the Southern Confederate States get no rights. You can’t be an American and a Nazi. You can’t memorialize the Confederate rebels in a positive way and still be an American. We fought wars over both these things.
Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.
Also impressive: that the apology was actually worse than the original statement (which was bad enough).
I can’t believe that he made an apology that was just as offensive as his initial email. I think that we just found Trump’s next Communications Director.
I’m mostly impressed that he managed to offend pretty much every single marginalized group: women, Jews, LGBTQ, etc. While it isn’t here, I’m sure dude has said a few things about POC, too.
Why would you side against someone complaining about a barking dog? Being rescued doesn’t make them any less noisy. The person wanting to rescue animals should do so without leaving the pet unsupervised and disturbing neighbors who didn’t sign up for that.
What? We’re sad? Anna Farris can do better. Chris Pratt had one adorable role as Andy Dwyer, then when the big fame hit he word vomited his real, problematic thoughts about how it’s men’s “turn” to be objectified in film and about how there aren’t enough films that are about white hetero guys like him.
So, this is my industry, and I am (among other things) an actor of color, and let me tell you something. I know how money works (for the most part), I GET that one of the worst problems with Broadway is capitalism. But when I saw this picture, it was at the exact same time that I learned that Oak was replacing Groban,…’re still not getting it. Yes, actors are replaced all the time when their run is over. They basically said “we’re not going to let you finish your time on the show and replace you with a white dude”. Do you not understand how the entertainment industry works and how actors of color are constantly looked over…
The difference is Onaodowan replaced Groban after he was done with the show, his run was over. They didn’t let Onaodowan finish his nine week run, they cut it short by three weeks to replace him with Patinkin. If they had let Onaodowan finish out his run, it wouldn’t have been a big deal.
“...I would never accept a role knowing it would harm another actor...”
The parents of that kid should learn to control it.