
I tried...and my imagination failed. I’ll have to tune in tomorrow to see how this is going to be turned into a slideshow.


Hehe, “ let’s the stupidity through”


Don’t want to go all DT here, but I had two XJ Cherokees (‘86 and ‘99) which earned their reputation for durability. On road, casual off road, chest-deep snow, towing, loading, whatever, they just always kept going for coupla hundred thousand miles. If they’d’a kept makingem, I’d’a kept buying ‘em.

Step one: Stop reading and immediately go to Vegas with $1000 and the intention to buy this.

I like Grand Cherokees. I have two. They’re fun to drive fast...ish. I like the idea of the SRT GC, and when I eventually luck into a really good deal on one, I’ll buy it. That’ll be $10-20k. I can think of everything better to do with $50k, though. ND.

Could’ve been a slideshow: Ten Reasons Why You Always Doublecheck Your Jumper Cables.

$30/hour is pennies on the dollar? I was thinking it worked out to about $60k/year. Not a pittance. Sharing some of the billions in dollars in profits is a separate, valid argument, though.

Jeez, well done.

Well-stated, reasonable opinion. Thank you.

Could be worse. Imagine if his mom had sex with Elon Musk:

Jeez, it was a weak joke about using a word meaning every two years when talking about flying cars being two years away. Didn’t mean to shake your self-confidence. I’ll take my lumps for when some people are unable to recognize this, since I refuse to preface posts with ‘Just Joking!’

Biennally, not perennially

All correct. But even if you were wrong, I’d still have starred you for having said ‘different from’ instead of ‘different than’. Thanks.

Nope, was Buick Apollo

I drove two of these (‘86 and ‘99) hard in the snowy, salty midwest until they had hundreds of thousands of miles each. In my experience, the reputation for reliability was deserved. If they were still making them, I’d still be buying them.

Drove the hell out of one of these much like the one pictured when I was a teenager, wringing as much speed and handling as I possibly could from its 250 cubic inch engine and fairly light weight. Jeez, I was stupid. Jeez, that was fun.

Lots and lots of words. You negate their effectiveness a bit because you say ‘tow the line’, instead of ‘toe the line’. Think about it for a second.

By your metrics, nine large is nine hundred, right?