
Yo. I heard you like slideshows in your slideshows...

Imaginary lives matter!

Welcome, Owen! Is it true that the British slideshows go from left to right? Can’t wait to find out. Starter kit: differences in British and American car vocabulary. Boot, bonnet, windscreen....

Was wondering that question, too

This is not a new concept. Check out the already existing planned community of Anthem in Arizona, for example. Of course, some of these allow cars, but others are designed as walkable communities. I’ve been working with a friend on his similar ‘car-free utopian community of tomorrow’ over the past year or two in the

Agreed. I thought it resembles my Honda 919

It’s unfortunate that this article doesn’t have a bunch of pictures to show these new colors, features, etc.

They ask to see the turbo in my Porsche Taycan Turbo. No, wait...I told it wrong.

I nominate the FC RX-7. Everyone’s loving the first or last generation, but the middle one had significant power/handling improvements over the first, plus clean ‘90s styling. The one I had was fast, fun, and reliable ‘til it got T-boned by a teen backing out of a driveway.

Something something electric crate motor swap.


Or needed air in the tires....

NP. I’d buy it and give to one of my nieces or nephews to drive. Somebody always needs a car.

Cup O’ Pizza!

Correct. And in their absence, there were (and still are) small, neighborhood stores which usually had significant markups on the necessities they sold. It’s not like the mom and pop stores were selling to their neighbors at Walmart prices.

My 40th high school reunion is this year. I haven’t attended any of the others, nor kept in touch with almost anyone from those days. I’d buy this thing just to roll up in it and leave heads scratching and scratched. Ideally, I’d also be wearing a suit of armor, but I’m six feet tall, so it would need to be custom

Thanks. Said that better than I was gonna.

How about a FC RX-7? They’re wedge-ish. I had one and it was pretty reliable, despite the reputation. I’d post a pic, but Kinja no allow me.

It’s because the judge likes ‘Wayne’s World’.

Agreed. Not an inspiring car, but NP.