
Engine is a Chinese knockoff of an old Honda engine and has a Chinese carburetor. This is not great for several reasons. I have much hands-on experience with Chinese engines and ‘precision’ parts; not usually reliable. Also, modern vehicles use electronic ignition systems instead of carburetors for good reasons

It actually is normal for people to be concerned about the politicians who can have negative effects on our lives. It’s how our system works. It is also normal to be offended when some politicians seem to actively work to corrupt our standards in order to enrich themselves. Your loose shoelaces have less of an effect

On BaT, there’s a ‘73 Volvo 1800 ES (longroof) at $17000. Funky? Hell yes. Dogable? Of course. Easy to work on, but plenty of money left over for repairs when needed. I’ll try posting link and image:

I don’t know, you can get some pretty ‘softly funky’ and somewhat capable versions of the Jeep Renegade easily within his budget. It doesn’t look like everything else out there and comes in colors.

I hear that. I have two Grand Cherokees, but that 2-door brings back memories of my old 2-door XJ Cherokee and makes me want to take it for ‘just a test drive....’

Sign me up as CEO or COO. I have decades of actual experience in leading automotive manufacturing, if it ever becomes necessary for us to actually build anything or make it look like we will. Also might be able to line up some Chinese ‘investors’....

But wait: I learned yesterday that an anti-vax doctor testified before congress that the Covid vaccines are causing our bodies to become magnetized (to such an extent that keys will stick to your face). It seems obvious that as more and more people are vaccinated, our mass magnetism will draw the moon closer and

Hopefully, they’ll practice with altering the moon’s orbit first, before messing around with the earth’s. Otherwise, jeez....

NP! I’ve long admired the look of these, and this one has the color/package I’d want. It’s ‘mechanic owned’ and I can wrench. If I didn’t already have a too-fast motorcycle for stupid happy things, I’d buy this.

Love your work, David. Currently own two Grand Cherokees and previously had several XJs. FYI, it’s chalice, not challis. 

No, it’s not.

That’s what I was going to say. Or actually, a used RV towing a Miata. Live in the RV near the rez and commute in the Miata. Then I thought about the reality-based problems this would entail and didn’t say anything.

Almost didn’t read this because I was sure it was going to be a slideshow. Good article, insightful comments. Pretty sure there won’t be another article tomorrow proving me wrong. 

Saw the picture, saw the price. NP! Luckily not on my side of the country.

We’re all writing stuff on the fly these days on phones, tablets, or whatever, so shif happens. Just wanted to give you a chance to ‘explain’ it so you don’t accidentally get cancelled. See: Ohio senator scandalously uses the word niggardly correctly in a sentence, then suffers consequences. And see if I don’t for

I saw ‘sherif’ and paused, but didn’t want to be that guy. But ‘renigging’...

Great idea. I had a FC RX-7, and can perfectly imagine that lightweight, high-revving motor pushing this little thing around. I’d buy tickets to drive it when he’s done building it.

I know, right? I jumped in my car when the pandemic ended and I started driving and when I tried to shift to second gear and before I remembered my car is an automatic I put it into reverse. Damn dummy.

Nope, nope, nope, nope. Horrible, ugly word. If you want to have a specific name for this kind of thoroughfare, you could either invent something more euphonious (like flane; you know... a lane, but fast), or repurpose a seldom-used traffic word like drag (you know, like the main drag). Stroad? Jesus, people.

Thanks, Mr. Torchlinski! Best thing I’ve read on this site in months. True story: I’ve been asking people for days what the funniest letter and number are. Consensus so far seemed to be J and 3, but you make a strong case for L.