
I don’t understand parents like this. If he was MY kid? Oh, hellfire and brimstone my wrath would rain down on such a shitty disappointment of a son.

“Ok, I know what little brocky did was bad. But to actually make my white middle(or upper) class olympic hopeful son spend time in an actual prison!!! where he will be put at a great risk of BEING RAPED??!! CAN YOU IMAGINE THE HORROR??!! Now com’on, be fair and just let him do that community service thing!”

But how!?!???? Almost like you are responsible for your own actions!?!??

after reading the dad’s letter, i think its safe to say that whatever brains got the rapist into stanford came from his mother.

Oh yeah, the dad is definitely a rapist. 100%.

And my only thought: How many times has his father forced his “20 minutes of action” on some victim?

Yeah. Fuck that guy. Now we know where the kid gets the entitled, irresponsible attitude.