
It’s not that you have virgin ears, that sounds sadistic/rapey AF.

Now, if you happen to be into being dominated, it could be cool. 
My concern would be that I don’t know this guy well enough to trust that he’d keep everything controlled and within the fantasy, or if he would really attempt to take you against your

Ultimate Wolverine doesn’t count, he should never count.
Not sure about the atomic bomb. I know in The Wolverine he survived the burns and radiation, not sure about him being dematerialized.

Wolverine doesn’t regenerate lost limbs. I also don’t know why his mutant power would heal past wounds or scars as the author keeps describing.
If he was circumcised as a kid, then the healing factor wouldn’t regrow it because technically it was already healed (not an open wound) by the time his mutant powers came

I could have sworn that they called it a “’24 Caddy” in the movie, but that may have been distorted hearing because after seeing it I had just assumed it was a cadillac.

I had a Toyota dealership misread me badly when I went in looking for a used 4Runner they had advertised for $8,000. Unfortunately it had sold, so they tried to stick me in a model that was six years newer.
After the salesman got nowhere he brought over his manager for the hard sell, and I asked him “did your sales

I’m confused as to why they thought having a road block just 50 or so yards after the spike strips was a great idea.

I was kind of interested in this series, but since the commercials made my stomach turn I doubt I would have tuned in.

It’s the pleats.

I get what is annoying about the trailer, because I wouldn’t really like a giant thing like that always parked at the house next door to me either.
But, have all the neighbors who are complaining ever considered offering to split the cost of storing it somewhere else? It wouldn’t be that much if you have several

They are absolutely ignorant. Either because they didn’t realize how the costume would be construed, or ignorant because they are racist.

I posit the type of person who would think this hilariously edgy and topical costume would be perfect to wear to a nationally televised football game is ignorant enough to not think

I know, and I’m not defending this idiotic outfit. I’m trying to say that this person very possibly wasn’t thinking “lynching” when they put it together.
Admittedly, that doesn’t make the outfit any better, I just don’t want to assume their intent.
Nevertheless, they should have thought about it, and left it at home.

No, I mentioned the context: he doesn’t like the president. Not to mention the outfit is actually of Hillary in a noose and prison outfit, and the Obama mask was thrown on the back of the head.

Yep, because nobody ever has a costume, or effigy, or picture of a president they don’t like hanging from a noose. Unless the president is black.

Racism? If she wants to see it that way, I guess. It’s just a tasteless costume.

I can’t wait until they play the Jewish school in a couple of weeks so they can brush off those Holocaust zingers.

This is barely a story. Her real problem comes from the Clinton Foundation emails.

Yeah, we noticed that. It’s embarrassing for Red Raiders everywhere.
A lot of that kind of stuff took root when Leach was the coach, the students really liked his rowdy pirate persona and went along with it. Like the cursing during fight song that Schrodinger mentioned, started when I was there, and things seem to

It’s reviewed to see if it was really targeting, if it is then the ejection is automatic.

His main problem is he got into the game too late and is now counting on people writing in his name. So if you’re not on social media or living in Utah, then you haven’t heard of him