
Struggling to find the purpose of the article as well. The Knierims have also had to skate with the knowledge that thousands of people are being held in prison camps just north of their location, yet they have persevered.

I’m pretty sure the “fake news” part is the notion that Pence supported conversion therapy. That is the distortion.

Politics do not always get involved with whether or not a film is endorsed, but unfortunately they often do.
You can tell pretty quickly whether or not political ideologies are driving the score (whether good or bad) from reading the excerpts by the reviewers.

He asked what her point was because the fact that the audience rating and RT scores are different have nothing to do with his statement.

He had a pretty big role in ‘Justified’ a few years ago. Other than that, I’m not sure. Was he in some cop movie?

It’s a big deal that the FBI was surveilling him if they obtained the FISA warrant based on intelligence provided by a foreign government and paid for by an opposing campaign.

That’s the big deal.
It adds fuel to the fire that many right-wingers and Trump supporters have been screaming about for months, which is that

Same. I was watching the video for the spectacle, but it really got to me in an unexpected way.

How much of the Superman one did you watch? I thought it was easily the most convincing.

She’s the one who offered to do the reshoots for free. That puts her agent in a pretty difficult negotiating position.

“Unharmed” might just mean “alive with all appendages present.”

That is her argument, that the greater physical strength of men is an advantage in racing.

There are several factors, the biggest two being that the most recognizable Star Wars characters were locked and because Star Wars fans are nuts.
This game still looks cool to me.
If I wasn’t burned out on everything Star Wars at the moment, I’d probably get it.

Doesn’t the daily stormer do this all the time to mess with people and businesses?
I’m pretty sure they have declared all kinds of things the “official ______ of the alt-right” just to troll. 

I haven’t either, and now I’m going to have to start all over because it’s been so long since I watched it that I only have vague memories of what was going on.

I think it demonstrates how the not-very-well-known actors who are brought in are disposable compared to the star/main attraction.

I’d be pissed too if I were a five-star recruit and found out that I could have gotten some money out of the commitment.

So you are arguing that a man cannot transition into a woman and vice versa.

That’s cool that Netflix is letting them finish out the six weeks.

I thought he said “young ma’am,” but it might have been young man.

That is a good point, that the volunteers are really going to be needed later. My wife’s company has a charity that teams up with disaster relief, but they’re not even planning on putting feet on the ground for at least another month or two.