
Come on, Barry. I would much rather see A-rod play than sit, but to say the Yankees aren’t playing for anything is disingenuous. They are 4.5-games off of the second wild card and they have, according to Nate Silver’s blog, an 8% chance of making the playoffs. Is that great? Hell no! Are they going to make the

I wish he’d just come out and say it. “We all hate this guy. He’s a prick of the highest order. I don’t want to play him ever again and I’m pissed we have to even keep him until Friday. He’s played like hot garbage all year and it’s a joke to even have him in my dugout.”

It's less 'farewell tour', and more 'awkwardly waiting for the guy to take a hint and just leave already'.

I’m 54 and from California (maybe it was different elsewhere?). “Do you party” ALWAYS meant coke when I was growing up. We all smoked dope so that was never a question.

I’m 59. Do you party typically means “Do you smoke weed”?, at least in my realm. Once however, 30 years ago, my ex and I had become friends with an attractive couple. The women were in the kitchen at our house and the dude and I were hangin’ in the living room listening to tunes. He told me they were attracted to us

Now playing

It’s fucking c-c-c-c-c-cocaine. Anyone who argues otherwise is demonstrably wrong. Over 40 dudes are talking about cocaine.

White linen pants and shirt, unbuttoned. Loafers, no socks. Parks his boat in a cove and waits.

This one time in college I was at a bar while suffering from allergies. Red eyed and slightly drunk, my friend and I started a darts game with two other people. After five minutes, one cornered me and said, “do you like to party?”

Seriously. Generally, this would be an invitation to do drugs. But the hypothetical that Pareene sets up is very obviously swingers.

Want fries with that? = drugs

Sounds like a great way to waste your drugs on a couple that isn’t dtf. Take that mess over to The Cuck.

I’m leaning the other way, like, the explicit invitation is for drugs, but with an implied “If so, you guys should join us back at our place. We’ll have some drinks, do some blow, get in the hot tub and see where it leads...”

40 years old, here, grew up in California. It’s always meant drug stuff to me, but then I wasn’t invited to much sex stuff.

Pretty sure if two couples do some rails together there’s going to be some swapping. That’s just how these things pan out.

I accidently clicked ‘Sex stuff’ but I meant ‘drug stuff’ and I can’t change my vote.

I picked sex stuff, but I would also expect to get drugs.

Yes. So do we fuck now, or what?

“I’m Jill Stein and I approve this message.”

Why not both.