
They put one of the quasi-LAN center/card shop stores in my (small) town in Oklahoma, where I own a LAN center/card shop. As far as I know, I didn’t lose any customers to them.

What if I want one, don’t cosplay craft, don't know any cosplayers and have $200?

As a Christian, my favorite bible verse is the one where Jesus said voice chat would condemn me to hell.

I’d say they hide the fact that they’re not pervs very well.

Folders themselves will generally be ignored, but IT departments can monitor, whitelist, blacklist, and so on so they can know if you’re using/have used an unapproved program. For a while I was removing League of Legends from company assets almost every day.

They didn’t fix transparency when they pasted the cards onto the screenshots, so they’re filled with awful background.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. This is what we, and many other Catholics use, since contraceptives are against the rules. Worked great for us, no babies until we wanted one (little over a year ago) and we got one pretty much right off.

It's all about the "Science is best, so hospital is best. Anything else is witchcraft and primitive and obviously means you're dumb." Sort of like the whole See a Doctor VS. literally any other treatment when you get sick. The common thing is obviously always best and anyone else is dumb. We used a midwife and my kid

It's been two years. I think they've come to terms with the idea of you not playing the game.

The "commentary" was the worst thing ever.

As someone who once had the.. uh.. pleasure of selling Beats Audio, the only people that really think Beats are a big deal are the people who wear them as a clothing accessory, buy their stupid MTV-diseased kids literally anything they want.. or those kids. They're the 24" chrome rims of electronics/music accessories.

Maybe they're these.

Shhh.. It's okay. It's cool to hate on Aquaman. It just means they've probably never read anything that actually featured him.

Bitcoin is the most well-known, used and valuable form of cryptocurrency. Coinye is a cryptocurrency. So it's not related to bitcoin, but not technically completely different. Only somewhat different. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocur…