Asking for a new KOTOR in the comments of every Star Wars article got old a while ago people.
Asking for a new KOTOR in the comments of every Star Wars article got old a while ago people.
Incorrect. They made a mandatory software update that removed it from the system. That is quite different from having a HD-DVD add-on that would still work if you found one and plugged it in.
If you want to play with semantics and take what I said literally then you are right. Can you tell me what features were taken out of the other consoles this generation? Pretty sure the list is 0. And yes I own a PS3 so dumb "fanboy" arguments can't be used against me.
I pretty much ignored any points you tried to make after reading your first sentence.
I love how Sony keeps taking OUT features instead of ADDING some (i.e. removing Other OS, backwards compatibility and now this).
@HeadBanger: Are you kidding me?! You people in Chicago don't even know how to SLICE a pie. It's supposed to be 8 slices not 20 tiny boxes..
So we get our news from a 15 year old's Tumblr account now Giz? I really hope this article is a troll.
I can't believe the NGE was back in 05. I played SWG from launch to a couple of weeks after the "Combat Upgrade." Compared to WOW, I had soooooo much more fun with the PVP in SWG. Probably because the only PVE endgame was farming Krayt Dragons for light saber pearls and evil sisters (I forgot their name) on Dantooine…
@Dunkelz: The police report said he was behind the wheel.
I will never sympathize for someone who dies/kills others from drinking and driving.
Body Odor?
So now DDOS attacks led by angst-filled 15 years old are a revolution? There is no ulterior motive to their attacks from the Spanish Police to Sony and now this. They just want to fight someone until they get caught.
Ah. Thanks.
Why is he holding up a mask?
Do you look down at your pockets when you reach for your phone?
Microsoft's track record with Dashboard updates has been great so I don't really see why people like you complain.
@Graviton1066: Because Giz is run by Apple fanboys so anything positive about Apple is news, regardless of relevance. Where have you been?????
This is why I love the voice recognition on my Droid. I hit the mic button and say what I want my text to say and just hit send.
That dude sounds like a kid.