LED overload.
LED overload.
"No good!"
@dinniedraco: RIM is in Canada, actually.
@Wizard: Dr J?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that you Kin-not sell a phone with a $30 data plan that does half of what other phones can do with that data plan.
Somebody give her a hamburger, please.
@HAL9000: Adobe Flash would like to have a word with you.
This is one of the most Apple fanboyish articles I've seen Gizmodo post and you guys have posted a lot. Are you seriously recommending companies adopt a tech that isn't even OUT yet?
Street Fighter 2 by far. It made everyone forget that there even was a Street Fighter before it.
Japan's xenophobia strikes again.
@blackfriday490: Yup, north of Westchester is upstate for us NYC folks.
@kiddicus: I think it's because they have seats in Japanese arcades.
@ClaudioIphigenia: Use quotations so it looks like you are quoting other people and not making your own list of complaints.
This kid added Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus as a favorite on Youtube. Need I say more?
This is the worst of all secret messages - "UR MILY". As in miley cyrus? NOOooOooOoooooOoOO!!!!!
I know the feeling of being fucked over by corporate suits so I'm rooting 110% for them to win this lawsuit.
Hi my name is SONY and I've never heard of QA.