
I hear you! Mine dropped everything, ran out to the nearest lumber yard and nailed two by fours all over itself, then hung a sign that said "Moved — no forwarding address". God knows where my ovaries are — I asked my spleen but she said the last time she saw them, they were galloping off in the direction of my ears.

Also, for those who cannot look away but have no desire to increase page-views, ManBoobz.com does the dirty work for you. David Futrelle reads the crap, quotes it, makes fun of it and gives you the comment space to point, laugh and jeer. Occasionally an MRA shows up and tries to defend but it's a safe commenting

Each-other, it's not gay if they don't look one another in the eyes.

Is it wrong that I just don't care? Before reading this article I didn't know the site existed. Now that I do its contributors seem too pathetic and ridiculous for me to muster any fucks to give.

"A man's value is mainly determined by his resources, intellect, and character."

I can't even muster the slightest bit of discomfort from this. I. Just. Cannot.
They're like a fart joke, all of these dudes - you don't want to laugh at them, but it's just so goddamned silly, you can't help yourself.
I just don't know these guys. And if there is the slightest chance that I actually DO know guys like

It IS cathartic to hate-read, but you did that for us here, and now we have absolutely no reason to give them any site traffic at all. Let's make a pact that NONE OF US will EVER go there, EVER EVER FOREVER.