Gaming marathons are not worth it, people!
Gaming marathons are not worth it, people!
Jesus Christ..... what a piece of shit.
I didn’t do it for views. I get views. I did it because I thought I could make a positive ripple on the internet.
This video had like 600k likes before it was taken down. This will barely affect him unless Youtube actually gets off its ass and does something.
“It sort of gave me a little bit of perspective, because technically I got grouped in with these people somehow,” Kjellberg said.
wow, what a hero -_-
How is this funny? Saying an anti-semitic comment without any context isn’t funny. It just means he’s an asshole. The fact that you find it hilarious is very telling of your opinions towards Jews.
To be fair, a great deal of my Monster Hunter experience has been spent with no monsters and a fair amount of fishing.