Kaiser Richard

Here in the US, it’s doing OK. Could be better though. Europe on the other hand.... They are loving it a whole lot.

Long story Short, No. Thoigh before you trade it in, take a few Yo-kai Cam pics. There will be some connectivity from 1 to 2

The Story is basic. But the sidequests are where most of meat is.

It should start on Your Nickelodeon on the 21st.

They (Japan) have been telling about them for 3000+ years, why stop now?

Both of them have her.

A: It is selling quite well, with Europe driving a lot of sales
B: It’s the first game of a new series, they all have missteps.

Kotaku, Do you compare Animal Crossing to Tomodachi Life? How about Sonic to Mario? Fire Emblem to Earthbound? Metroid to Zelda? No? Well STOP COMPARING YO-KAI WATCH TO POKEMON!