
Factory run test drive centers could easily replace dealerships IMO. I would test drive more cars but with most dealers they want to jerk your around so much it’s a 3 hour trip just to drive one car and then battle the “what would it take to get you in this car today” nonsense

Let’s see, athlete at the tail end of his effective career (ranked in bottom quarter of his profession, by stats) with expensive contract decides to alienate sports’ base by protesting patriotic display and wearing “cops as pigs” socks. #winning.

Then you should stop watching and leave the rest of us alone. I don’t deny kaep should be playing but I don’t pretend it’s as simple as “racism”

The hinged windshield could be great for those rugged excursions to soccer practice. Tilt it forward for an unobstructed view of Madison and Jacob out there on the field as you sit in car and sip your latte, avoiding that other mom who is constantly on your ass because you bought non-organic postgame treats when it

Yes, ignore the stabbing and slicing and focus on the pronoun. That’s the important takeaway.

I think we’re at a point where people aren’t interested in hearing about how a person who was shot by the police was going nuts with a knife seconds before. If you’re not a white man, it’s never acceptable to shoot you.

It’s surprising what careful use of verbiage can do to an objective statement. For example, let’s take the statement:

We’ve fought 2 live wars and many many proxy wars against communists. They are the “anti-fascists” in this scenario.

I mean the counter protesters were in many cases actual communists. If we want to parse historical death tolls...

The right punches commies.....


100% this.

thats the whole problem - “squads”. Everyone and their mother is trying to paint two sides as if a race war is coming and as this article states, you’re either with the white supremacists (LOL) or with everyone else. As if this tiny mob could create a rift in the fabric of the US...stop being so fucking thin skinned

Where did I say that anywhere? Because I work my ass off to provide a good home for my family and god forbid I think higher taxes are bad? She works her ass off too and feels the same way. Im a man many of you should try to be instead of leeching off the system and bitching constantly about everything perceived

This is what sucks. The crazy fringes decide the terms of the fight. Can’t all normies just secede and create a functional country without the white supremacist losers and cosplaying antifa nerds? I’m sick of this

Eat shit and stop trying to incite race wars. I voted for trump...40 year old single dad who is the primary parent for an eight year old boy when his mom flaked out. Getting remarried this year to a beautiful woman from Peru who I love dearly. Voting for Trump does not make me a racist, you have no idea who I am. I

Are you on the side of the kind of people who are fighting Nazis and Klansmen—one of whom gave her life yesterday to the cause of defeating them—even if they sometimes make mistakes? Or are you on the side of white supremacist murderers? Pick one.

You sound like one of those countries from the gulf that whines and cries when western countries does something against the ‘muslim’ religion like refuse to construct mosques or accuse them of repressing Islam for whatever reason and than banning whatever Christian religions (valentine’s day for one) and repressing