
I understand that this site might not like the Cybertruck’s design, but damn you guys have been hating on it for almost a week now. Move on.

You are right. The EV trucks should look like the boring used bar of soap that the standard EVs look like.

Yes, for only $125,000. No thanks

Its stainless steel so no need for paint. You can hide wipers. My only concern are the side mirrors

It is a constant influx of New Englanders and New Yorkers driven out by taxes. Ironically, they show up here and try to institute the same policies that forced them to move. Republicans are just trying to prevent the tax refugees from turning their state into the states that have these moronic practices.

What a shame. A true butterface

Turtle sacking

Oh Lord. Here come all of the liberals to defend their socialist utopia named Venezuela. The Russians are there and its not a far stretch to say that they are selling them weapons as well as providing personnel. I guess the only acceptable TV programming for you is something along the lines of “Girls” or where white

I have dealt with the unethical business practices of the Chinese and it annoys me every time I read these articles that seem very pro-Chinese. This is just another excuse by the Chinese government to put pressure on us and as usual, this site falls for it. The Chinese were never going to meet this unless they felt it

That video is from RK Motors. I remember that car and it definitely did not come from Brazil

WAAAHHHH! He doesn’t share my values so I will never forgive him. Get over yourself

All Hail AOC. We must now offer up our daily sacrifice of white hetero male. I love the cult worship of this site.

You just proved his point.... dumbass


We’ve invented a better mousetrap. My wife, the No. 1 thing with her is visibility. She wants to be able to see. And a heated steering wheel. She likes the command seating position.

GASP!! Ryan Adams tries to be a heterosexual male! Oh, the outrage!! He should have had a therapy clinic or tried doing some other gender neutral libtard shit.

This just in! Pouty millenial libtard complains about everything the president does. Why is this on a “sports” or “car” site. Once Drew Magary goes away, I will never visit this libtard troll site ever again. I was so happy that Gawker got shut down and wish the same to the left wing sites that continue to linger.

It’s “pathetic” because she doesn’t share your left wing values. If she was banned on Twitter for supporting sharia laws (which have no place in our society), she would be hailed as a “hero” fighting for our right to free speech.

If ever there was an article that exemplified millenial self loathing libtard trash, this is it. This just reaffirms my belief of “Its only racist if a white person does it”

As a former salesman, it is usually the manager that is forcing this issue. I used to hate presenting numbers on the Solstice when it came out as it usually led to being cussed out. Punishing the salesman is not fair considering he has to go to the manager to get the numbers.