Honestly, I’m not really expecting much.
Honestly, I’m not really expecting much.
Disregarding the dumb Godfather comparison for now, his plan was to turn the famously morally questionable protagonist whose entire character arc in books is him becoming a better person, into a normal kid from the start?!
Completely missed that.
I would also rather have the show use him as much as he appears in the comics (as in, barely at all and even less than Courtney’s mom) but they seem intent on making him the “comic relief” kid character for some ungodly reason.
There’s a pretty great old ‘Justice League Unlimited’ episode which focuses on him. (for someone who trained heroes like Batman and Black Canary he really doesn’t get enough exposure)
Feels like a missed opportunity that Yolanda apparently doesn’t really have any kind of connection to Ted Grant (original Wildcat) in this besides having boxing as a hobby. (in the comics he was her godfather and inspired her to become a superhero)
While the first two were good enough, they inspired soooo much crap I wonder if it was all worth it.
So what’s next, They go even farther back in time and Daisey suggests they kill Baby Hitler?
If I was actually invested in this show (pretty poor adaptation of the character in my opinion) I would be pissed at this.
Poor Green Lantern doesn’t even get name checked in a TV show. (that movie REALLY did a lot of damage to the brand)
Surprisingly Courtney is one of the few superheroes who had almost no changes to her costume throughout the years. (and she first appeared way back in 99')
Besides the obvious Terminator references was anyone else getting a ‘Fringe’ vibe?
I don’t know if the blame is the acting, directing or writing(or a combination of all three)
What, no ‘Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot’ references?!
Them mentioning Ted Knight makes me kind of wish his son Jack will show up on the show, though it seems they kind of merged his and Sylvester’s characters together.
Kinda weird they changed the dynamic from the comics where instead of it’s Courtney becoming a Superhero to rebel against her new step-dad they made the staff sentient and it’s basically dragging her into becoming a hero.
Does anyone know what alternate universe year is this.
Probably means we’ll get Jakeem at some point in the future. (be cool if Alan Scott’s kids also show up)
All of them are good, but the only one of them I actually remember is “Bring the Noise”
I wonder how many of these characters will show up on the show. (Probably no Superman related characters or Captain Marvel)