
Sure, but two things:

fair point.

Hey, Leather jackets weren’t exclusive to the 90's.

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Now for the REALLY dark version of the Muppets.

I mean... they already did a live action version of this one that was perfect.

Best unexpected cameo they could do this season (since they already said that Peggy would show up) is if Dominic Cooper shows up as Howard Stark for a scene.

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Never understood why Thundercats kept being mentioned (and rebooted) while no one talks about Silverhawks.

She-Hulk was also doing the whole fourth wall breaking thing about a decade before Deadpool started doing it.

While a Ms. Marvel show WOULD be great (and it would be a nice conselation prize if things with Spider-Man don’t work out) this might be a little too early for her in the MCU since they haven't really shown Carol to be someone who is all that inspirational yet.

welp, everyone loses in this scenario, so I hope the execs at SONY are happy.

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I mean.... sure, why not...it probably featured this character that Whedon refused to leave in the movie.

I think the problem is that it looks like a supercut of various other shows that had the exact same premise and doesn’t really offer anything all that new.

This really does look like ‘The Newsroom’ only with less personality and social commentary. (basically less sorkinisms)

I have no idea why Marvel is releasing like 5-6 different Conan books.

“The actor Shia LeBeouf, or whatever his name is”

I bet that if this wasn’t the last season they really WERE going to do a version of ‘Legion’s Quest’ where David goes back in time to kill Magneto (Farouk in this scenario) and instead accidentally causes his father’s death leading to the whole ‘Age of Apocalypse’ story

“Clap for me cyclists”

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You see Sarah, all you need to do is direct a Marvel movie and then you are settled for life.

“Are you ready?”