Getting paid though.
Getting paid though.
What happened to Jeff Goldblume doing Steamed Hams
Oh my god that music is so fucking terrible.
It’s not just randomly turning dials on a mixing board, it’s like they recorded 3-4 different versions and decided to just rotate each version each phrase. How do you fuck that song up so badly.
“it really feels like anyone who played the game in those first few months got a raw deal”
That’s a shame because I can’t justify purchasing DLC for the raw deal I experienced. Any word on Persona 5 DLC? Maybe we’ll learn what happened to Akechi.
Such a simple sentiment expressed in a comment, this is using up resources that could be spent on game development. It would benefit everyone for people to unilaterally decide not to be toxic.
I’m not sure what everyone is arguing about. As if you were making some hard lined in depth comment about how game budgets…
Norm Coleman 2018... probably.
That’s a man ready for a date!
I just beat Persona 5. I bought it the first day it came out and now and it’s taken me until now (December) to beat. It’s almost like I played it in real time.
So now, I can finally start Horizon Zero Dawn.
How do I handle crippling fear? I have two ways.
First I try to get a heavy case of the fuck its.If I can’t seem stop giving a fuck then I move to plan B.
This is going to sound crazy but what I do is cause myself some sort of pain. I’ll slap myself in the face. I’ll punch my leg a few times as hard as I can. And it has…
The ‘cold approach’, as it’s called here, was my favorite part about being single. The main thing is to have a good attitude and take rejection with grace and style.
That’s what I lived by, and I never had an issue.
A review always comes from a certain point of view. As long as the author is honest then I think that’s the best you can hope for.
If it’s a fan boys dream there’s always the chance some other author on the site will put out that perspective if they feel like this point of view needs to be shared. I think I’ve seen…
Sounds like they just want the video taken down. Is the video still up?
Howl’s Moving Castle is great. (It’s a good date movie)
Spirited Away is his best film imo.
Bushido Blade 2P versus on Story mode. I think we did everything but fight each other. Go chop all the trees down.
What can I say... I like it!
He does these Relax with Satan videos that are pretty good. Better than some dude whispering way too close to a mic while playing battlegrounds.
All you people like OMG that’s so weird... you don’t even know how far this rabbit hole goes
This is what I did. Still have everything, takes up no space.
That gif is going around and around and around
After seeing the movie I think you have it backwards.
Who has more agency? Bev who is saving everyone by banging them, or the damsel in distress movie Bev who is saved by a kiss from a boy.