
Sure. No doubt.

All of that true but is that really the underlying reason. It seems you’ve focused on the gender aspect but do I think it’s just as relevant that homosexuality has flown under the radar for such a long time that it’s freed itself from certain social expectations. Hell, PRIDE is all about freeing yourself from

Well of course you are right, but I’m not so certain what she wants isn’t difficult. Intimacy and sex together without romance sounds like a mess.

Oh I wouldn’t doubt that’s true. Have all the fun you want. But the problems that FWB is having are no surprise to me. Maybe it just comes the territory.

I’ve never understood nor experienced the I want all the intimacy and closeness of a loving relationship but not the commitment. Seems to me like if you can’t commit you can’t really have it all. No judgement here, just my 2 cents.

If you think all the internet video game comics are bad all the time, maybe you just don’t like... internet video game comics?

It’s late enough in the day just wait outside and buy a badge from someone for $15-20. I’ve gotten into every convention I’ve wanted to just waiting around the Seattle convention center.

Oh man I was famous for this back in college.

My favorite was my freshman year. It was the last day of class and I was talking with this cute girl that always partnered with me. I asked her some insignificant question like what her grade was on some test or something. She misheard me and answered with her phone number.

Stupid sexy Summers.

Now playing

burnthehives is right. I think this song might be more relevant...

But what about the griper griping at the gripers griping at griping about griping?

This happened to me once and now here I am participating in it on the other side. What have I allowed myself to become?

I know I know. We’re all just a little too uptight. They’re threatening nukes though!

Maybe it’s true. Irony is dead. I’m going to miss it.

Oh I get it now. It’s early for me. I got taken in by the initial response. I’m sorry.

Oh I see.

H M M  H U M A N  M U S I C  
I  L I K E  IT

Try it with some roller skates on.

But will they get Tom Hanks and Tim Allen for the voices?

Also the Kingdom Hearts type game seems to better fit Square these days, so all aboard the hype train for this one.

My wife got this sort of sexism while playing online Red Dead. It’s sad to hear that things haven’t changed in online gaming after 5 or so years.

To put a fine point on it anyone who who would do this sort of non aggravated sexist based harassment needs to be off online games and maybe should be spending their time