All I know about Bob Kraft is that Vladimir Putin literally stole his super bowl ring. Just took it right from him.
All I know about Bob Kraft is that Vladimir Putin literally stole his super bowl ring. Just took it right from him.
Does Sony have official guidelines or policies regarding rewarding trophies in games?
Just make sure you grab the extra life.
Based on this new popular trend of addressing tropes, Namco announces the new look for Ms. Pac-man.
Why are there so many headlines on this site and its affiliates that start with “I can’t stop...”? Is there some sort of epidemic going on that affects writers’ self control?
If you know the references, they are spot on.
They’ve done this schtick before showing how game mechanics would translate to the in game outside observer.
A great example is their comic regarding FF tactics where a great way to level was to kill all the monsters except one in a battle. Then have your party members…
I feel like the only person who went for Naoto in P4. Seriously am I the only guy on this planet that has a thing for androgynous heterosexual women?
Whoa actually hold up. Who’s to say she’s a bad kisser? Maybe he sucks.
He doesn’t like tongue? At all? Lips focused? What are we at the middle school dance? Maybe uh give her some tongue. How about a compromise half tongue; half lips.
I’m just saying here, if he comes in all like “this is how I want it” maybe she’s…
That’s your reason for thinking it’s fake? Not the overacting?
I think you could say that that there’s a difference between Tess the character surviving versus say Joel, the character, being a woman. Eh?
After some investigation, because I am curious... was it the slap bitch in the wheel chair comment?
And if so would you say you are the Justin Carter of Kinja?
Life in Aggro...
Maybe you feel a little gratitude gift may have been nice but...
As my father once told me when I bragged to him about going back to a store to give back the extra $20 they accidentally gave me in change; you didn’t do anything special. You just did exactly what you were supposed to do.
Edit: After reading through the…
Speaking of tired tropes :P
All weekend, every freaking game day.
Luckily my wife can take or leave Persona games but when Red Dead 2 comes out later this year...
We can’t stop here this is keese country!
I’m not much on sims and visual novels, but if you love JRPG’s like I do then Persona is a fantastic game. It’s hard to explain but it all just works.
I’m not sure why people call it a visual novel except that there is a lot of story and that story and combat are broken up a bit more than other games. But I like a lot…