
Why have multi media controlled by the rich few. Independent, DYI media is important.

Why can't you people see that? Why does everyone have to beg some rich guy to be in his club? Why don't you people support an open market for entertainment. I'm... truly baffled by this.

Sony now promoting new share game footage button...
Youtube takes down game footage on copyright violation...

I like that people can make a living making videos on youtube and hope that Google will give this issue the attention it deserves. It's an awesome thing that video entertainment and media is accessible to everyone and I think it should stay that way.

To those saying "that's what you get for putting energy into this

Person of the year is about influence for better or worse.

If Miley Cyrus is the person of the year, according to Time, that's just the world we live in. Change is possible, but it starts with one.

Guy's a character.

But Tina that wouldn't make good TV. "Judge panel" shows by nature have no tact. I don't like it either.

Seriously though, it's not being a dreamer to want to build a more collaborative attitude. Some of these old guys have an old attitude. Keep fighting the good fight. We'll win... eventually. We better.

Also it's

Here here! Games Matter! Games For Good!

It's good to see some like minded folks here on Kotaku.

Looks like my all time favorite whatever, Extra Credits, is moving to youtube.


Give these guys your support, they are doing some amazing things.

I am a huge FF VIII apologist, but I will be the first to admit that Squall sometimes has the personality of a misunderstood adolescent.

That being said, I don't think I would call him emo until the latter part of the game where he makes this sudden shift from "Don't Care" to "oh my God Rinoa", but that's alright

"Thats one of the reason's I don't want a ff7 remake because of his modern depictions"

100 times this. It's like at the end of 7 he finally lightened the fuck up and started acting like a real person and then all of a sudden with the next one he's misunderstood Billy Badass again.

It's like some rule that if you are named after weather you have to have an insufferable personality.

Hey Squall you ready play some TRIPLE TRIAD!!!!!

ha ha, same thought at the same time.

The last one was better tbh.

The corners on EDI's face are just super pronounced.

Maybe you just needed a couple more exclamation points.

Now we know the whole story.

If the video was just this picture for 3 minutes... I would have been just as happy, if not happier.

I know it's subjective and of course it always could be better (give us a hand drawn remake), but I'm just saying I fail to see how the one on the right is better than the left enough to say it looks bad. They wouldn't say it looked bad if they just left the graphics alone. So why say it looks bad if the graphics are

So you think the palette for the sprites is too... lightly colored. Pastel maybe?