
Maybe I'm missing something here, but what's wrong with the updated graphics?

I mean... that does look better, does it not? Are you saying it's not enough or do you just like the pixel looking stuff better?

Ha ha ha. That's it. I'm stopping at this comment. I'm out.

Well I would also say it was more lauded for defining the genre of the modern 3D platformer.

Before that we had the terrible Bubsy 3D. I mean did you ever play Bubsy 3D... if nothing else it set the bar so there would never again be a game like Bubsy 3D. You gotta give it credit for that.

Next time better give his wife the part or he's going straight to the media.

Maybe you, like me, can't fundamentally understand why people would get upset over uploading emotes... if that's what it was, I'm not quite sure.

Maybe you, like me, can't fundamentally understand why people would get upset over uploading emotes... if that's what it was, I'm not quite sure.

I agree it's going to be on developers and publishers to make any significant change. Whatever that change needs to be, which I'm still not convinced there is a problem at least from a development point of view. People should be able to create what they want based on their experiences, and if it's done well and

You expect marketers to lead the charge to represent a wide variety of demographics other than the one that's going to make them successful in creating sales?

... good luck on that!

Besides there are plenty of examples of marketing gone wild in video games; especially in EA. This criticism seems kind of hollow.

Both amount to about the same thing though.

Character: Snow Vilers

Game: Final Fantasy XIII

Platform: PS3

I think the episode of Extra Credits that talks about graphics versus aesthetics would explain what it sounds like Evan is describing when talking about the visuals and the "feel". Where's the soul right?

Here's that episode... http://www.penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/g…

Both were basically made by the same guy so I'm sure he's like whatever.

Well as far as whether or not a company should get points for just honoring the price I won't argue cause it just depends on the situation. I'm more talking about the lawyer thing.

As far as firing a developer,
Aw don't fire him. I can't tell you what company, but this seriously happened to a coworker of mine. The

I agree the blame should be put on Microsoft, but I don't agree that we just have to accept disproportionate inflammatory backlash and the consequences as just the way things are.

Nobody has to do anything, but it's in their power to try. Actually this article itself is a good start. I just wish it was a continuing

"He screwed up."

I don't agree with what he said. I don't like what he said. But I do not agree with this at all.

Another victim of the blood sport called internet media. It may pay the bills, but it doesn't make it right. How about we create a system of values where people can have their feelings and opinions and they

Not defending anyone. I'm just stating what is right.

I'm not a fan of big business either, but that doesn't mean I want to live in a world there is no sense of fairness. What kind of leverage do consumers get in addressing consumer rights when they are clamoring for the right exploit a business?

Of course the company can just decide it's not worth the trouble and honor the price, sure. However, threatening lawsuits for things like that is in my opinion not the characteristics of a fair and reasonable person.

I'm pretty sure the law is on the companies side on this one though. It's not just oh there was a

As someone who has a lot of experience in online retail, I'm going to let everyone know that:

No, Walmart does not have to honor anything. It's in the terms of using the site and if you think about it, despite your hate for corporate America, it makes sense.

In fact, this same exact thing happened at the retailer I