
Hmm...this is an interesting take from a person who I am certain is

idk how you can say league is more strategic?

All rugby must be played with Madness’ One Step Beyond playing over the loudspeaker or the whole thing falls apart.

tackles don’t create offside lines... this website even already has an article about exactly that

You fail the ideological Turing test forever.

That is still good law but the White House is not an agency. These questions came up when Hillary Clinton was a healthcare adviser in the early ‘90s and it was determined it doesn’t apply. She’ll be breaking other laws on the regular I’m sure, but not this one.

Devil’s advocate here. I see wife on that list. Does that mean that Bill Clinton giving Hillary Clinton the lead on the healthcare push while he was in office constitutes this same sort of violation?

While I agree with you, isn’t the argument that the WH is not an agency per se therefore it doesn’t apply?

Not to worry, the Raven fans will continue to be antagonizing DBs.

This is fucked.

I wish I was gay as well so I could avoid crazy bigoted women like fluffy, who are likely to be emotionally abusive because god forbid a guy have standards and opinions and interests of his own. But we all have to sort through the bad ones like that. The male and female populations are qual parts asshole.

Oh my god stop with all the fucking pearl-clutching. I’ve been watching porn since the dial-up days, and I have a perfectly healthy view of women, and a lovely wife who, wait for it, also watches porn! Sometimes we even watch it together! Stop worrying about what makes other people cum. It doesn’t concern you.

I am glad you posted this. The knee-jerk reaction to defend porn and call porn “healthy” even when the most popular porn is decidedly not, really baffles me. Why are people on feminist websites so eager to jump to the  defense of porn when a lot of the porn people consume depicts heavy abuse of female porn performers?


FYI you are being ridiculously patronising and dismissive when you suggest women who give blowjobs in a relationship are just forcing themselves to do it so their relationships don’t collapse. Kind of gross how you demand the whole world should have sex the same way you do or else they are either monsters or victims.

Man, why is Deadspin covering bullshit like this. What about sports? Why can’t we have a “Best QB’s of the 80's” post? Like remember Warren Moon?

The team immediately suspended him and issued a profuse apology. Worst part is that the thug was the captain (and incidentally was yellow carded earlier in the match for some nonsense).

It’s my understanding that the Italian union does not have a lifetime ban as an available sanction, though World Rugby certainly does. Based on ongoing discussion with other refs, I believe the 3 year sanction does not include automatic reinstatement so there’s a good change it gets extended indefinitely. I’ve watched

Confirmed. USA Rugby starts at five years for just shoving a ref, with the player sometimes able to work it down to two if they fulfill certain requirements.

How is this not a criminal act? I can understand why hits on other players in sports are protected from being prosecuted, but this is a clear, malicious, very violent assault upon a non-player. Any sport would be better off banning such a player for life as well.

She was clearly asking for it, hanging around with hookers and all.