
This is everything I didn't know I needed today. It's so good to find out these guys love their bands and music ans scenes as much as I do.

I don't really care what Hynde has to say or do to feel ok about her assault, but I wish she'd stop saying it so loudly. These words have an effect on rapists and victims of rape. She's telling rapists and rape culture enablers that unless they "jump out of the bushes with a knife", it isn't rape. She's invalidating

Sorry, do people of colour jsut not exist in Horror Movie Land? Is there a reason they need to be excluded?

I'm guessing this will follow the classic trope of anyone who isn't a white/cis/straight person is a) first to die or b) the killer.

Were there no people of colour in the 80s? Could the contemporary group of teens not know a single person of colour?

This looks so fun, but could the cast be any more white?

I just found this review and the comments ahve broken my heart ("Liam is an innocent, kind of violent man wronged by a slutty slut slut") and yours is so reasoned I had to jump in and say thank you.

Which is of course her right.

This whole discussion is tough to read knowing that Daniel Jones suffered from eating disorder(s?) so no, he wasn't a super cheerful 16 year old.

THIS FORVER. Lindsay Lohan was never a great talent, she's just had good directors. Sure she was cute in Parent Trap but that was a while ago.

HOw much more help can Lohan get? Free rehab, free sober coach, free life coach. I think what she needs is some reality, working a shit job to live in a shit apartment with shitty people. You know, life.

I'm so over the "poor poor Lindsay" storyline. The woman is 27(?) years old and needs to take responsibility for her actions. She can't be bothered to show up to film AS HERSELF. On the show she talks about how happy she is acting, but the story about filming The Canyons has really proven how irresponsible she is on a

They've talked about Price having a twin before on the show. In the unaired (in US) episode in season 1 I think.

I love this, thank you for writing it! As someone who doesn't want to have children but would love to have a tv character I can relate to on that level AS WELL as other levels, I sometimes find it disappointing that every cool, childless woman character ends up living the heteronormative, diaper-filled dream.

Forever and ever I will wonder why Fun. are overproducing everything when The Format proved that Nate's voice is great.

Oh I get it now, you just think you know the thoughts and feelings of every person ever better than they do. You might want to keep that delusion to yourself, it really undermines your points.

I don't think you understand what atheism means if you think it's "the illusion of some kind of cosmic control". In fact, I'm sure that you completely missed what atheism is.
It's a lack of belief, not "all belief systems that aren't Xtian".

Was it really not a cover? Definitely a remix. 

is this … satire?

You think this movie didn't sexualize women? The combination between sex and violence doesn't erase one or the other, it just combined them. The women are ridiculous sexualized. Do you really think that women locked up in a mental institution dream of being sex workers who dream of being some sort of cross-genre