
While you could absolutely start the series with CS1 or Sky FC; you will likely not want to start CS3 until you’ve finished the Sky trilogy and at least got an idea of the Crossbell duology (Zero and Ao). While Sky and Crossbell don’t play much into CS 1 and 2, CS 3 is essentially a sequel to both Cold Steel and the

Removing a somewhat stupid defensive option will allow Blizzard to make other more fun defensive options for Mage.

More decks as in more design space to make new mage cards.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no. NO. Every time we place arbitrary limits on when/where/in what situations it’s okay to be HUMAN, we miss the point of this entire discussion. People/women/men/whatever are never inherently opposed to meeting other people/potential partners.

Injured reserve for fire emblem? Genius I love it

It was. I may be wrong, but I think Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition was the first EE game that added Story Mode as an option actually.

I see some errors in the cosplay. For instance, she’s holding the gun correctly.

A wild fedora-guy appears!

oh man is this a real post

Is this post satire?

because like in the real world not every one is gay

Every time I hit Pascal I was SORRY!

Well at least we know what place on the Timeline “Breath of the Wild” falls, finally.

I applaud him for openly requesting that the internet sends him pictures of sexy android butts.

Sass Effect

Probably the same part that lets humanity’s first specter plastic his name all over the citadel stores in the form of second-rate endorsements for cheap weapon mods.

You’re fucking kidding right? 3DS fits in no person’s pocket, unless you’re Baggin’ Saggin’ Larry.

Cargo pants! Shut up, I’m a 44 year old computer engineer dad. I have a license.

What did you expect?