
Very true but it’s worth the bugs. At least I don’t expect the FA3/Skyrim memory issues that made playing later game almost impossible on PS...

Thanks for Fallout 4 not many will care.

Not really because this is the common starting look for most players. You don’t get to customize more until later in the game.

Yeah not having Nier is criminal (ok not really criminal)! Considered by many to be the best game OST ever for any genre.

VH1 is one of my favorites games. I have played it so many times. The blood geysers are hilarious. I never got around to finding 2 used but I think I should ebay it and finally play it. How was it compared to 1? I really loved the simple but fun battles, stories, and progressions in VH1. It was hard for me to paly FF

I have a hard time believing it would not happen without Microsoft. If Microsoft funded needed game development it would have been an exclusive. I have not read anything that indicates Microsoft was needed to make a sequel. The game sold plenty just like Deus Ex, etc. They are all getting sequels. Unless you have a

Well only anything above a 70 is considered good in any form so 85 is really half way between barely good and a masterpiece. Also, why can’t developers shoot for a game above 85? If you saw the behind scenes and all the work that went into the animations and performances you might be disappointed with an 85. No reason

I wonder if any vinyls are pulled from a 88.2/96k master? I imagine most mastering houses do not bother using different source files for different mediums.

Find me an audiophile that only listens to vinyl? You will find media device/computer rigged playing FLAC more than anything.

Oops you are right. It was double 24fps. I hear 60fps in games so much I got mixed up. Either way it gives the same effect which was my point. It feels a lot different in games.

It depends on how much you order. You get free two day shipping. I ordered two floor speakers for my theater once with prime. Order them from anywhere else you you can add 50-100$ to ship heavy 5 foot speakers. I do most of my shopping on Amazon though..kitchen supplies, clothes, etc. It pays off if you use it a lot.

It depends on how much you order. You get free two day shipping. I ordered two floor speakers for my theater once

Yes it did. I sat in the theater and watched it with few other people. That was the big push that the movie could be viewed in theaters at 60fps. Just google it.. it is no secret and common knowledge. Don’t think any other movie bothered since not many prefered the 60fps in The Hobbit.

Wait, so the physical edition comes with both included? You can restart and pick either side for another play.. but the digital locks it?? I hope the digital is twice as cheap if you can only play half of the content on the physical release.

If they don’t release WoW 2 they really should put out a 20$ upgrade that brings it to scale with FF14 or even better. When you launch the game you can have the option or which to run or if you have a crappy laptop or desktop you can just not install the addon/mod at all. Would be a big undertaking .. maybe not even

Movies and games @ 60fps don’t feel the same at all. I will game at highest FPS possible in any perspective.. but when I saw the Hobbit (1) in 60fps I hated it.

I liked the idea.. but when I played leveling alt job was a pain. You pretty much had to spam run dungeons with bonus exp since you couldn’t redo quests like on a traditional second character. Did SE ever make that easier to more fun?

Source Code is excellent. If you like original sci-fi (as much as you can be these days) it works well like Moon but different style all together. The ending has a really amazing shot/sequence that for me was really memorable.

They lost my money after the first 4 hours of the very first game!

Do you think the game play should be better or just not your style? I mean you could say Dragon Age should be a movie because you don’t like RPGs, etc? The gameplay of Naughty Dogs games are solid. Uncharted didn’t quite catch up on a few modern ideas like upgrades but I have a feeling 4 will.

Yeah I understand. Just that most budget monitors - especially brands like M Audio - are specifically not designed to be flat. They want that bigger or exaggerated sound in store demos because it comes off as better when not comparing it directly to anything else.

Yeah I understand. Just that most budget monitors - especially brands like M Audio - are specifically not designed