
Unfortunately, your assertion that the term isn’t negative and can be applied to men as well as women has absolutely no bearing on how that term is actually used by everyone else in our society. Nice try though.

I believe her. I’m also really having trouble empathizing for this woman. She has gleefully done more than her share of damage to women like me, and now she suddenly wants us to circle the wagons when the dragon she fed burns her too. What victim of racial or sexual harassment has she EVER publicly supported? She,

I knew someone who, many years ago, died in a tragic way that was sensationalized all over the internet. That week following her accident was... there aren’t words to explain how horrible people can be behind the safety of their keyboards. And I am so sorry you and the people who loved her are going through it.

Make all porn SFW porn? O_o

You know, we need more vague in our country, lots of great vague, we’re going to have the greatest vague and really vague the spirits of the Mexicans and the blacks. Vague even the gays. We’re going to have the best vague of any country in the country.

So people who disagree with police brutality do not deserve police protection? Way to demonstrate that “few bad apples" theory.

For fucks sake. I am trying very hard to relate to law enforcement perspective, but I am quite tired of being told to think about how their families feel not knowing if their loved ones will come back after work, and the stress that creates. It amazes me that they demand this while failing to understand how black

The shirt even had the Dallas PD emblem in support of them and the players talked about how good the Dallas PD was, and those four assholes were still so emotionally traumatized they walked off and made snarky comments later?

Wow great way to make Meerkat’s point. A Black woman shares her feelings and experience about not being seen/heard by Black men and a (I’m assuming) Black man chimes in and says your experience as a Black woman is wrong. Fuck dude. LISTEN TO US. SEE US. HEAR US. No one can speak for the experience of all Black women,

When we first moved in together my boyfriend ate my leftover thai food while I was at work once.

Soooooo... this is his way of turning down the VP slot w/o saying it out loud?

Really bad time for a tangent. A black man was just murdered by the police.

I understand the thin blue line. I understand that cops think, “That coulda been me. Mistake made. Gotta support my brother.” But I’m a public school teacher. If I found out that a teacher was fucking a student, there’d be no way that my knee-jerk response would be, “Well...you have to understand that...” Give me a

That’s a huge generalization and oversimplification in the first place, but there’s a great book that addresses your point. It’s a really eye-opening read: Scarcity: why having too little means so much. It discusses decision-making (and other behaviors) when you have limited resources (both time and money). Side note:

“Another dude show” implies that this is a typical dude show in the same vein as all the other dude shows currently on tv. However, all the dude shows currently on tv are white dude shows, so having a black dude show is a sign of progress.

Are there a lot of shows about black dudes out there?

And both their body cams “fell off.” The rage and grief are indescribable this morning.

Yea and how you’re forced to have the same convo again and again. “Are you excited” “Omg so excited! Chubby cheeks and little shoes! I love them already!” and God forbid you say “not yet, I’m actually terrified and don’t feel any emotional connection yet”. It’s not so much being pregnant in public as being forced to

It sounds like he is surrounded by a bunch of asshole enablers who have always told him he can do no wrong. So shocking that he ended up as a remorseless rapist.