Every time there is an opportunity to lay bare his incompetence and fundamental indecency, and to point out the behavior rendering him unsuitable for public office, I will do it.
Every time there is an opportunity to lay bare his incompetence and fundamental indecency, and to point out the behavior rendering him unsuitable for public office, I will do it.
While some camps made a weak effort to conceal their murderous operations, Sobibor was clearly a death camp: prisoners were often taken straight from the trains to the gas chambers. After an uprising in October 1943, Nazis destroyed the camp and attempted to eradicate all evidence of the killings. But researchers have…
What can I say? I can’t resist a golden opportunity.
Anyone else find themselves constantly doing that thing where you start a rant, decide you need to stop because you’re going to make yourself sick/have a rage stroke, and then 10 seconds later start up again because you just can’t stop?
It’s so appropriate that the de facto leader of the so-called “anti-PC movement” is someone who absolutely cannot take a fucking joke.
The way Trump is going, SNL making fun of his unsubstantiated sexual perversions will be the least of his troubles. I think the Russians do have the dirt on this moron, and I think it’s going to come out eventually, and I think it’s going to be real ugly for him.
Another friendly reminder that political correctness is simply treating people with respect. So yea, he’ll probably be acquitted.
Who can even stand Zoe Saldana at this point? I have had it up to here with her ever since she’s was the rudest guest judge in Project Runway history and that was long before she ever did Nina and said a bunch of dumb shit about race.
I thought she would have gotten an invite to the inauguration by now.
This show sounds about as interesting as listening to my co-workers endlessly discussing crossfit and marathons while eating tuna straight out of the can at lunch.
I have no idea why liberals/progressives are able to talk about emotional labor, about living in a misogynistic and male-dominated society, about the exploitation of workers, particularly women, about the evils of massive, largely unregulated, insular industries, ABOUT RAPE AND ABUSE CULTURE all the time, all over the…
Well sure they raped her, but she caused them “sustained shame, mortification and hurt feelings” and I think we can all agree that there’s no more heinous crime than making a man feel even remotely uncomfortable for even a second!
Can it happen when he is driving around Pence, McConnell and Ryan?
Odds on Trump just keeling over from the stress of the 24/7 take downs of his bafoonery?
Totally agree with you about Che. All this does it make me want to date him.
I think he meant “fat” as in he eats a lot, not that he is actually fat.
Really? He seems absolutely fine in this exchange. You can tell pretty early on that he got the crazy vibe from her crazy texts, so he backed off and was just hoking. He was never disrespectful and didn’t ghost her. He. . . seems fine?