
I was lucky enough to be believed by my mom when I told her my stepfather was molesting me and we left the next morning when he went to work. This poor girl, the betrayal of not having your own mother not believe you and put you in further harms way. I hope she gets the therapy and support she needs with trustworthy

Fuck everyone in this story except for the girl and the police who found her. I hope all of these terrible adults get exactly what they deserve. 

Being a woman, and especially a minority woman, seems like a pretty raw deal, frankly.

YUP! And this part made me throw up a little bit.

Regarding Colton’s ownership of his former partner’s sexual assault, it’s not clear from this article if you guys are aware, but the ex in question was Aly Raisman, who we all know as one of the most visible victims of that fuck Nassar. Sexual assault victims in general don’t owe anyone a damn thing about their

My guess is Cliff is genuinely smitten with her and as a “religious man” she has to love her husband in order for him to be OK with his crush.

I’m going with none percent.

I really don’t think Kendall or any model should be held accountable for this. They are basically contract hires, they were hired to do a job. They get paid crazy $$$ to promote stuff like that all the time. To them it was no different than modelling for a brand or being sponsored by one to be “the face of”/spokespeopl

My partner and I were discussing this, and tried to figure out what we’d do if this happened here (it wouldn’t, thankfully, but just in case!) and worked out that since we have zero debt and no children/pets, and a chunk of savings, if I postponed my degree by six-months (so no student payments to make), if we didn’t

My friend is living in the DC area and currently being furloughed. Apparently someone made the mistake of telling his wife that at least he would at least be able to take care of the kids and save them some money on daycare. Except they can’t because they have to pay on a monthly basis. And if the boys don’t show,

I like how he says “get a loan” like the average person can just stroll into any bank and get a loan with a low interest rate at a moment’s notice. Most of them will be forced to turn to predatory payday lenders who will charge them over 100% interest. Also, it makes no sense for them to take out a loan for basic

As the wife of a government employee worried about paying our mortgage and ensuring we are taking care of our 1 year old daughter, I have some thoughts for Wilbur Ross and Laura Trump.

I speaks to the sickness of this country that her GoFundMe is at about $35,000 while the one for the wall has passed $20m.

There are very few reasons to support any large corporate food company: but Hormel now has my business.

I dunno. Taking a child from it’s family for no reason they can fathom and then giving it to some other (potentially! we have no idea!) family seems pretty on-brand for these people.

Would I kill baby Hitler? I mean... how many babies are dying/have died in Yemen in the last year that weren’t going to commit genocide while we have this stupid conversation, eh Ben? Nothing to say about those babies, huh? The ones who are here, right now, and whose saving don’t require a technology that your party

It’s a moot point, because you can’t go back in time and kill baby Hitler. Not because time travel doesn’t exist, but because it’s a predestination paradox.

He just backed the argument into a corner. Because now he needs to answer the “beyond birth” pro-life plan with social services and broadening education 

He tweeted that he served them Hamberders. That HE paid for. Because he doesn’t own a hotel a couple blocks away that has a fully staffed restaurant/kitchen that could have brought food in.