Kah Weng Chok

nobody ever heard of Chuck?

It's kinda funny how enthusiastic Ian al-Harazi is, when it comes to killing his own sister, shouting "yes" after hitting the empty SUV and all. Despite the fact that merely one hour ago, he got slapped by Margot for caring about Simone's feeling.

anyone know the name to the french song in the second episode?

If you watch season 9 of The Office, in one of the episode you'll see that Jim realize he had become the new Stanley.

I don't get why everyone hate Don so much (even Joan and Peggy, what has Don ever done to them?). Sure, he made some mistake in the past, but he also helped founded the company.

I think those pigeon are poisoned. That's why there is a lingering shot of the pie with the dead pigeon. People of Westeros, rejoice in the death of the bastard king!