
I tried to set a Guiness World Record once, but my family accused me of alcoholism.

Read Harry Potter, I heard those spells can do wonders

(Picture is related)

That being said, I just watched the video and that is the biggest and most impressive tug I’ve ever seen. What a beast.


Well played kahpentah, well played

Before you die, you should drive the most luxurious car ever built - a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow. This one is clean and just a bit under $15k, leaving you enough for some Grey Poupon.

Libertarianism sounds really good till you meet a Libertarian.

Ben Carson can punt a football 500 yards.

That's not a Tractor, it's a Skidder. Looks like a TimberJack. They use the grapple on the back to pick up logs and "Skid" them to the dump where they are cut to length and loaded on a truck for transport to the saw/pulp mill.

I promise you that footwear will not interfere with their bootstraps.

Here’s hoping they have to divert some of their advertising budget into legal fees!

I really enjoyed reading that.

“Your papers please” is just a little too Eastern Europe circa 1933 for real Americans. The quickest way to lose your rights is to give them up voluntarily. Silent capitulation is the shortcut to tyranny.

Because in the land of the free you shouldn’t have to provide identification when you haven’t done anything wrong. I’m no ra-ra libertarian and nor am i a cop-hater, and in that situation I would have just handed over my license, but it is totally contradictory to how things are supposed to be in this country. Asking

So they didn’t do anything illegal but still had to show their ID. What is up with that crap?

I’ve seen one of those bitch baskets in my time.

I feel that way about all BMWs.