I heard the incident was committed by agents of North Ikea.
I heard the incident was committed by agents of North Ikea.
I can’t agree with that. When zooming down one of the prettiest roads in the Northeast, which happens to be at the end of my driveway, it’s pretty tough to see the head lights. Fifty years ago when I complained to my mother about my fake PF Flyers, she said who is going to see your sneakers as you run by them in the…
From the article on Gottfried in Tablet.
It was coined by Richard “Fuckin Nazi” Spencer.
Jewelry is far better than cash if one has to move in a hurry, cross borders, and evade the authorities. Something we should all consider due to the upcoming round up of dissenters promised by Herr Miller.
Maybe, all though buying commercial’s to needle der trumpenstein is brilliant. Mark Cuban should take notice.
Come on crack pipers, it’s 4 grand. I may not have fawk you money, but this is “what of you got to lose” territory.
“Never let the fascists have the streets.”
No. The true SUV of the boat world is a Munson.
Close, Poorsaah.
Yeah, that’s great. At the time that was unavailable in the US. Hell, we had just discovered Molson,it was $2.25 a six pack and the drinking age was 18.
It was also sold here as the Plymouth Sapporo. I drove a friend’s brand new one for a day in 1978 and our motorhead clique at the time, they laughed and laughed. This was just at the beginning of the American-Japanese car war when the hatred had not yet fully manifested itself. At the time I considered it ugly, the…
Gawd Damn. This is just magnificent. I’m gonna steal it. I’ll give you credit.
I would take it except I really don’t like enough people to fill the deck chairs. So, can we make a deal for the cars and the sexbot on the treadmill?
Nice Price, for the owner of the Clown College of America.